No. 18480
I can concur with these posts in the sense that, what other people do to be happy may have no bearing on your happiness. Ford Drivers live twisted meaningless li(v)es. While I might live a life of fantasy, atleast I held true to what I wanted. I never had to sacrifice my beliefs for a moment just to please my ego or others.
I've been rewarded with so much more than I could have wished for, turning to monogamus waifuism. Companionship, faith and meaning.
But like others I know firsthand why it's better. It's a double-edge in that I wish I were pure for her.
As for breaking NEEThood, it really sounds like you're asking how long we've stayed alone.
I've maintained huge streaks of hikki and NEETdom. I could regale tales of the good times and the bad times, but that seems to be in the past, what with things getting so expensive thanks to inflation. My mother never provided the things she should as a parent, but now she really can't afford to have me NEET.
I fear all that lies in wait is an unfulfilling job at best and suicide/homelessness on the other end.