No. 18191
Because, for the most part, this is all I know how to do anymore (staying home and looking out through screens). I crave adventure, but society nags me to get my degree, or career, or something even more difficult and riskier like start a business so that I can function, and thus gain my freedoms in that way. It all seems quite a bit boring to say the least.
I also have trouble understanding the nature of the mind or at least my mind. Even though I know what I should be doing, I don't know how my mind is so easily able to distract itself away from progress and then rationalize it. I think tons of people have different "ADHD"-like tendencies to a degree or whatever procrastination happens to allude to for you. I guess I don't have the motivation to discipline myself because comfort makes me happier and I don't want to risk it. It's going to take a good dose of suffering (or some unexpected inspiration even though I find that many places) to get me motivated. Until then I can at least try to create some plans, even though plans alone will never get me anywhere without drive and action. I guess it can be really difficult to take the first step without a clear destination and realistic plan set up in your mind. Figuring out how you really want to live your life is hard when you don't have a lot of experience from understanding it, freedoms or advantages that allow you to do what you want, and support systems to help you out in whatever you need.