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18176 No. 18176 [Edit]
How long have you been eternally on the same routine for? Why do you think you're uncapable of breaking out of it?
>> No. 18177 [Edit]
I don't wanna break out of it.
>> No. 18178 [Edit]

But even if I wanted to 'break out of my routine', it would involve more or less being a fully functioning Ford Driver in many aspects (even assuming I kept "otaku" hobbies). That's something I earnestly believe myself to be incapable of doing. Not because of anti-normalcy values or some shit, but simply because of severe ineptitude in multiple facets of everyday life.

Post edited on 19th Jul 2014, 5:04pm
>> No. 18179 [Edit]
Breaking out of stagnation (same daily routine) doesn't involve becoming a normal. Normals can be just as stagnant.
>> No. 18188 [Edit]
I guess that's true, in the sense that many of them go through the same daily grind day in and day out. But for those of us that are in a routine that involves, for the most part, hobbies or other pleasurable forms of time killing, why would we want to break out of that routine unless we had some kind of desire to become a 'functioning member of society' or something? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the way OP asks "Why do you think you're uncapable of breaking out of it?" seems to assume that being in a routine is inherently bad, and that we have a desire to change our day-to-day lives but feel unable to do so.
>> No. 18189 [Edit]
About 8 months if you count the couple weeks I tried having a job before I just broke down and couldn't handle it anymore. If you don't count that a little over a year.
>> No. 18191 [Edit]
Because, for the most part, this is all I know how to do anymore (staying home and looking out through screens). I crave adventure, but society nags me to get my degree, or career, or something even more difficult and riskier like start a business so that I can function, and thus gain my freedoms in that way. It all seems quite a bit boring to say the least.

I also have trouble understanding the nature of the mind or at least my mind. Even though I know what I should be doing, I don't know how my mind is so easily able to distract itself away from progress and then rationalize it. I think tons of people have different "ADHD"-like tendencies to a degree or whatever procrastination happens to allude to for you. I guess I don't have the motivation to discipline myself because comfort makes me happier and I don't want to risk it. It's going to take a good dose of suffering (or some unexpected inspiration even though I find that many places) to get me motivated. Until then I can at least try to create some plans, even though plans alone will never get me anywhere without drive and action. I guess it can be really difficult to take the first step without a clear destination and realistic plan set up in your mind. Figuring out how you really want to live your life is hard when you don't have a lot of experience from understanding it, freedoms or advantages that allow you to do what you want, and support systems to help you out in whatever you need.
>> No. 18192 [Edit]
I share your sentiments about adventure. I just want to be able to eat anything in the world and sleep anywhere in the world without catching a disease and dying and then just travel carelessly. It would be preferable if I could fly, and maybe talk to some weird people I meet or beat up some people that piss me off.
>> No. 18200 [Edit]
>be able to eat anything
I never realized how wonderful that is until I had to give it up.

To paraphrase the quote attributed to Ozzy Osbourne: "Of all the things I've lost, I miss chicken nuggets the most."
>> No. 18201 [Edit]
I don't know, maybe new hobbies? It may be that OP doesn't have hobbies that gives a sense of fulfilment, or he/she feels that the days are wasted one way or another. He's probably not addressing those who are satisfied with their daily life. Of course I may be the one who misunderstands, but if this was about normalcy then I'd guess the OP would a bit different, unless it's deliberately stealthy.

Post edited on 20th Jul 2014, 12:11pm
>> No. 18205 [Edit]
Because what else would I do?
>> No. 18210 [Edit]
I think procrastination can apply to people who haven't completely given up. I found wikipedia's procrastination entry concerning students very applicable to the greater extent of my life.

Avoidance: We avoid the locale or situation where the task takes place (e.g., a graduate student avoiding going to university).

Distraction: We engage or immerse ourselves in other behaviors or actions to prevent awareness of the task (e.g., intensive videogame playing or Internet surfing)

Trivialization: We reframe the intended but procrastinated task as being not that important (e.g., "I'm putting off going to the dentist, but you know what? Teeth aren't that important.").

Downward counterfactuals: We compare our situation with those even worse

Humour: Making a joke of one's procrastination, that the slapstick or slipshod quality of one's aspirational goal striving is funny.

External attributions: That the cause of procrastination is due to external forces beyond our control (e.g., "I'm procrastinating because the assignment isn't fair").

Reframing: Pretending that getting an early start on a project is harmful to one's performance and leaving the work to the last moment will produce better results (e.g., "I'm most creative at 4:00 AM in the morning without sleep.").

Denial: Pretending that procrastinatory behaviour is not actually procrastinating, but a task which is more important than the avoided one.

Laziness: Procrastinating simply because one is too lazy to do their desired task.

Valorisation: Pointing out in satisfaction what we achieved in the meantime while we should have been doing something else.
>> No. 18211 [Edit]

Post edited on 20th Jul 2014, 7:38pm
>> No. 18214 [Edit]
As a student it's avoidance, trivialization, laziness, and valorization for me.
>> No. 18215 [Edit]
For me I would have to replace valorisation with distraction.
>> No. 18218 [Edit]
As a student I will work on things without interference, but work on them so slowly and meticulously that I will end up falling behind.

University really places a higher effort on you becoming a productive worker rather than learning (and if not, you should consider the employ-ability of your major). So if you are unproductive but willing to work, and try to commit more time in response, you will get swamped once the pressure increases. I would not argue that this is even a terrible system, since such efficiency drives the progression of the sciences and the economy, especially in an age where computers do most of the menial mental work. It just sucks to be studious and dull, as the latter completely overrides the former if you do not take shortcuts or cheat.
>> No. 18228 [Edit]
I remember doing all of them regularly except reframing and external attribution.
>> No. 18632 [Edit]
Okay, why don't we have a discussion about our routines if that's not too normalfag for you guys. I try to not get stuck in one but for the remainder of my summer break I've been sleeping at 4-5 AM, waking up at 11-1 AM, napping whenever, watching random videos and looking up random stuff online whenever, daydreaming/lying on bed whenever, fapping whenever, throwing in some games whenever and working one whatever creative pursuits I have the energy for in the evening, usually saving writing for the end of the "day" when I can have complete silence. Pretty hungry when I wake up/it passes midnight, I have a lot less food here than I could get at college.
>> No. 18633 [Edit]
Sleep 2-4 hours
Video games
Eat my meal, usually only human contact
Video games
Think about dying, can't work up the courage
Sleep 3-5 hours
Work on my anime+vn backlog when others are asleep
Think about dying, can't work up the courage

My bedtimes are random, I just sleep when I can't stay awake anymore.
>> No. 18634 [Edit]
You only eat one meal a day? How big is it? I still eat three.
>> No. 18635 [Edit]
Go to sleep at 2-4am, wake up at 10-12 then internet, music, video games, books sometimes. I eat a meal at 3-4pm and another at midnight.

Post edited on 3rd Sep 2014, 2:37pm
>> No. 18636 [Edit]
1200kcal or so. I don't really get hungry because I don't move much
>> No. 18647 [Edit]
>How long have you been eternally on the same routine for?
9 years
>Why do you think you're uncapable of breaking out of it?
I don't know if I am or not. I don't have any compelling reason to try, so I don't.

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