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17089 No. 17089 [Edit]
Do yourselves a favor and don't ever use tumblr.

One minute that person you're following posts excellent fan art or fanfic, the next they're forcing their trans disabled race bending head canon of your waifu onto other people and screaming at anyone who doesn't think she wants to have a surgically transplanted dick so she can have incest babies with her sister.

Fuck this shit. Sometimes I wish I could ban people from being anime fans.
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>> No. 17090 [Edit]
It kind of depends on your bullshit tolerance and whether you have add-ons like tumblr savior.

I personally just follow a few blogs that only post art, and track tags while blocking people who put in text posts so I never have to see them again. Or if there are people whose posts you don't like, but you like their art... many have their own art tags you can track and then never have to see anything else.

That said if you are not able to look at SJW-type stuff without getting angry, you're better off not using tumblr.
>> No. 17091 [Edit]
Thank you for the advice Captain Obvious.
>> No. 17092 [Edit]
I don't even know how to use Tumblr. I tried searching for something there once and the interface was horrible
>> No. 17093 [Edit]
Warning me about tumblr in 2014, gee, thanks.

You should avoid this new site called Reddit guys, I hear it's really bad.
>> No. 17094 [Edit]
Their search (well, single tag lookup) system is deliberately broken for people who aren't logged in users. Hostile design, bad userbase.
>> No. 17095 [Edit]
The site functions work pretty poorly for a site that popular. Same with youtube after the google+ merge.
>> No. 17096 [Edit]
Tumblr is such a shit broken site.

Sure it's blogging for the unbelievably lazy (like for me), but it's just so badly made. They changed the search indexer to include post content and not tags for one thing.

Any site that you need to have two 3rd-party browser plugins to make it moderately usable is a shit site.
>> No. 17116 [Edit]
I've never had a problem with tumblr.

The closest thing is seeing someone who I follow reblog gifs of the Columbine killers with tags like "#bb" and shit. It happens sometimes, and it makes me feel a bit sick. I'd unfollow her but she's the first person who followed me, way back in like, 2011. I am sentimental.

I avoid many problems on tumblr by not associating myself with tags or blogs that I think would make me feel bad.

>One minute that person you're following posts excellent fan art or fanfic, the next they're forcing their trans disabled race bending head canon of your waifu onto other people and screaming at anyone who doesn't think she wants to have a surgically transplanted dick so she can have incest babies with her sister.
I dunno, I think stuff like that is for shock value/attention. Their lives and imaginations are kind of empty so they feel the need to "create" that kind of stuff and impose their own (weak/unstable) worldview onto a form of media that they like. It might also be a form of trolling.

Fan fiction in general is painfully dumb, no matter what. Head canon is a bit more acceptable. Fan art is better than both of them.

Take it easy~
>> No. 17117 [Edit]
The internet should be avoided when possible.
>> No. 17118 [Edit]

True that.
>> No. 17135 [Edit]
I've been trying to quit for a couple of years now but I just can't do it. I suppose it's pointless to ask whether anyone else succeeded given I can only ask people who by definition didn't.
>> No. 17136 [Edit]
>Their lives and imaginations are kind of empty so they feel the need to "create" that kind of stuff and impose their own (weak/unstable) worldview onto a form of media that they like

so its exactly like /mai/
>> No. 17137 [Edit]
Do you feel fulfilled using the internet?

Asking myself this all the time helped me cut dependency by a good amount. It started when I noticed that I went to sleep with the thought that I did nothing online that made me happy that day. And the next day, too. I noticed that the times that I was genuinely glad to be online came only once in a while. So you understand, it made sense to distance myself from the internets.

I am not someone who is able to do things by force, so this chain only faded over time. If you are able to, however, the process would probably be faster. In my case, I was consistent with remembering that there is no point for me to be doing something that isn't fun.

The shut-in life is safe, but I've been safe for so many years that it has become sickening. I've developed a tendency to do risky things recently because I have lost everything in life. My computer was the only thing I was clinging onto, and now I don't care about it.

I hope this helps. I can answer further questions if you have any. I feel your agony and you deserve to have help with it instead of hopelessly grappling at things in the dark, alone.
>> No. 17138 [Edit]

Except /mai/ is totally different because... well, it just is, okay?
>> No. 17139 [Edit]
/mai/ is different because people there do not force their very own personal views and fantasies on anyone else. I don't want to speak for everyone, though.
>> No. 17143 [Edit]
I pick up girls on tumblr all the time, none of them have been like you describe. Most are just really into dr.who, game of thrones, and other really popular shows. Lots of disney too, disney is for them what anime porn is for you guys.

You can totally find a girl who will like you for who you are, just dont expect her to have more than a marginal interest in what you like, same the other way around. Maybe she will find your waifu pillows cute too lol
>> No. 17147 [Edit]

You were just a bit early for April Fools

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