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17004 No. 17004 [Edit]
What happens to the otaku's stuff when he dies?

Sometimes when I'm shopping for second hand figurines, I find 5 or 6 pieces from the same franchise listed in a single page, and it makes me wonder. Is it a mother selling her son's things? Do you think mothers would do that? I buy the figurine, and stare at it wondering where it's been, what things it has seen. The previous owner hugged it closely when he took it out of the box because he was so happy, and now he is gone.

I doubt otaku would sell their things like that. even if they found themselves in a emergency and needed cash, they would have needed a steady supply of money to buy those things in the first place, right?

Would you buy dead otaku merch? Would you be OK with others buying your stuff if you died?
>> No. 17008 [Edit]

I wonder about that sometimes, too. I think it's all simply thrown out. I think about it because I wonder if my parents would realize that I own a number of pretty valueable items. Should I make a list and write down how much they are worth before killing myself? They'll end up thrwoing out a couple thousands of bucks otherwise.

>Would you buy dead otaku merch? Would you be OK with others buying your stuff if you died?

Yes and yes. Better than letting it 'die'.
>> No. 17011 [Edit]
I don't want anyone else to have my figures after I am dead. Selfish, I know, but I can't stand the thought of someone else owning and possibly mistreating them.
I actually have it in my will to be buried with my favorite figures of my waifu. I haven't figured out what I want to do with everything else yet.
>> No. 17012 [Edit]
Who knows what they've done with them. Destroy them as a precaution and out of respect viking funeral style.
>> No. 17013 [Edit]
I don't own any cool merch, but if I did, I'd probably have it set up so it would be left to the proprietor of tohno-chan so he could hold a raffle for you guys. Not quite sure how I would set that up though.

> I actually have it in my will to be buried with my favorite figures of my waifu.
Egyptian style, nice. If some of your other stuff becomes rare enough maybe you could donate it to a museum or exhibit? I think they have some sort of anime history museum in Japan.

Off Topic: I really like that image. I have a huge thing for stockings and uniforms, but they always seem to be drawn on raven-haired "serious" girls. Everything about this is nice. I guess I'm going to have to watch Strike Witches now.
>> No. 17014 [Edit]
Better for someone else to enjoy them than for the figures to go to waste.
>> No. 17015 [Edit]
>Is it a mother selling her son's things? Do you think mothers would do that?

if it was in the original box yeah I can see someone doing that. if it was loose, probably easier to throw it away since they wouldn't know what it was.

I dont care what happens to my stuff when I'm dead.
>> No. 17016 [Edit]
>I find 5 or 6 pieces from the same franchise listed in a single page, and it makes me wonder.
sometimes people loose interest in a franchise.
sometimes people only buy stuff from a franchise they really liked and that's all they have to sell when they need money.
It's not uncommon for items to be sold in sets, I come across it all the time. More than a few times now I've bought figs in sets to sell them separately for more money.

>I doubt otaku would sell their things like that. even if they found themselves in a emergency and needed cash, they would have needed a steady supply of money to buy those things in the first place, right?
NEETs get cut off financially from their parents, it happens. when people get desperate for money they'll start selling all sorts of shit. you also seem to forget people get fired sometimes and bills will pile up. also, I haven't had a job in years but buy way more figs/toys than most of the collectors I know on irc and such places even though most of them do have jobs or autism bux.

Once I bought a figure off ebay and noticed it was from an estate sale. now that had me really wondering. an estate sale typically only happens when someone dies, but there's a small chance they just left town and never came back for whatever reason, or maybe even the bank/property owner could have repossessed the home and didn't give them a chance to get their stuff (unlikely)
in the case of the mentioned figure I got, my guess is an otaku possibly died, estate got put on auction and the person who bought it sold the stuff online. From the estate sales I've seen so far, when family take to selling things they take a few days to pick out whatever they want, then hold open house estate sales to let people take whatever they want for dirt cheap as the family just wants to get rid of the shit. often times people who sell at swapmeets or other such things will offer to take anything that's left off the family's hands. and yeah I've has first hand experience hosting an estate sale for someone who passed away.

when it comes to okatu goods, I just can't picture family properly listing them for sale online. if it's not something they personalty want or recognize as being valuable, they're just gonna sell it a yard/estate sale. no one likes to admit it but everyone turns into a vulture when a person dies.
>> No. 17151 [Edit]
I bought a bunch of vintage Lego, some unopen in pristine condition, from a guy who was desperate for quick cash. You can tell when someone put alot of care into their toys although all opened ones no matter what have to be thoroughly sanitized just to be safe. Don't think anyone hotglues Lego though.

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