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File 13923663147.jpg - (126.77KB , 734x810 , 1390744847094.jpg )
16797 No. 16797 [Edit]
happy valentine's day have fun dating your monitors
Expand all images
>> No. 16798 [Edit]
File 139236790383.jpg - (724.81KB , 1200x1600 , 002.jpg )
You know we will!
>> No. 16799 [Edit]
I read that as mothers at first.
>> No. 16800 [Edit]
Replies: >>16801
Why should I be more sad about being all alone on this day in particular than on any other day?
>> No. 16801 [Edit]
Because society wants you to feel especially bad today.

Did you know that Valentine's Day is a popular day to commit suicide?
>> No. 16811 [Edit]
Replies: >>16812
As someone who has regular contact with family law (divorce) lawyers, I can't say I'm particularly upset. The stories are hilarious and include 3DPDs - yes only 3DPDs - trying to sue for support and dirtbags actually taking them on as clients. Family law shits on defendant males.
>> No. 16812 [Edit]
Referring to non-married 3DPD in raising a point against them. Thanks filter.
>> No. 16815 [Edit]
File 139242474830.png - (275.33KB , 750x1000 , 1360936703420.png )
Most holidays barely even register in my mind, I didn't even know it was valentines day today for a couple hours when I woke up.

I understand killing yourself because your so ronery, but not killing yourself because your so ronery and it's valentines day.
>> No. 16820 [Edit]
File 139242955343.jpg - (382.24KB , 600x800 , 3ddfd19e8b9d6d85e5577ac1d8cca6b8.jpg )
Did I just hear a ghost say Haruhi?
>> No. 16832 [Edit]
File 139249779878.jpg - (206.96KB , 1600x1200 , jheht.jpg )

Agreed. There was a time in my life from around 23 to 28 (roughly) where I was extremely pissed that I wasn't in a relationship, but that was due to the lack of love rather than the lack of sex.

But from now knowing that women aren't really worth my time, and also knowing that I'd probably go full-blown psychotic due to the stress that a relationship brings, I don't give a shit, and want to be alone.

Ironically the less you care about being with a girl, the more likely it will happen.
>> No. 16859 [Edit]
Replies: >>16860
What happened to all the posts?
>> No. 16860 [Edit]
Replies: >>16862
People were speaking against hikikomoris, I think
>> No. 16862 [Edit]
Replies: >>16863
I have a bad memory, but not really.

I'm kind of disgusted if mods deleted those posts and it wasn't the users themselves. If that's the kind of moderation there is then I'd rather just leave.
>> No. 16863 [Edit]
My on-topic posts here are gone for no reason and it wasn't me, so it's probably mods.
Same thing happened in this thread too http://tohno-chan.com/so/res/16601.html

The moderation in places like this really is shitty and incompetent, and I don't think people understand how much that detracts from the quality of the site (See: Wizardchan)

It's a shame too, since this was pretty much the only decent site for people like us and it's just devolved into another shithole like /jp/
>> No. 16865 [Edit]
Replies: >>16869 >>16899
Can we please keep the meta in /fb/?
>> No. 16869 [Edit]
Replies: >>16890
Sorry for being confused as to why the fuck entire threads are being deleted.
>> No. 16890 [Edit]
When more tripfags come and there's 'regular' shitpost threads like 'which 2hu wud u fug' then it's definitely time to leave.
>> No. 16893 [Edit]
Replies: >>16996
File 139274014194.png - (835.20KB , 1280x720 , we came here to kick your ass.png )
>Muh elitist imageboard culture of hate
>Muh douchebag mods that delete things extremely arbitrarily

I came here to luagh at you.

I thought this place was good.
>> No. 16894 [Edit]
Please just go back to /jp/
>> No. 16896 [Edit]
wut confusion
>> No. 16899 [Edit]
Replies: >>16901

Anyway: reporting this entire thread for shitposting.
>> No. 16901 [Edit]
Great! Let's encourage the mods to delete more shit for no fucking reason!
You're part of the problem here.
>> No. 16905 [Edit]
Replies: >>16920 >>16969
>I hate the fact that Tohno-chan was place I could call home and just about the only site on the net that I genuinely cared about but it has turned completely shit due lack of moderation which caused a slippery slope of shitposting.

So I figure I'd take care of some of these dumb reports that have been piling up. then that turns into

>The moderation in places like this really is shitty and incompetent, and I don't think people understand how much that detracts from the quality of the site (See: Wizardchan)
>It's a shame too, since this was pretty much the only decent site for people like us and it's just devolved into another shithole like /jp/

>Muh elitist imageboard culture of hate
>Muh douchebag mods that delete things extremely arbitrarily

You know what, fuck you guys. If some of you want nazi mods and others want freedom to post whatever you want. how about you bitch out each other instead of me?
I know these posts are getting reported for some petty and stupid reasons that's why I ignored them in the first place. so would it kill you guys to back me up a little when people give start giving me shit for not deleting a thread becuase the op is a "noob" or for "Being a faggot"
>> No. 16906 [Edit]
Replies: >>16907
Honestly you can see a bunch of the old "better threads" that were bumped up just yesterday. Is it that hard to just post in those and ignore the bad/random ones?
>> No. 16907 [Edit]
I did that to move CaptainAfrica's threads off the front page
>> No. 16908 [Edit]
Replies: >>16909 >>16969
Actually no I'm sorry about deleting those posts. I should have just told the person(s) complaing about lack of moderation that there wasn't really much wrong with the posts they were reporting.
>> No. 16909 [Edit]
Replies: >>16910
It was probably a mistake deleting those posts (I didn't see anything wrong with them, either) but that doesn't excuse the ridiculous amount of shitposting in retaliation. There's a very distinct line between blatant shitposting and people saying stuff that the reporter personally doesn't like.

Right now I am much more annoyed at the shitposters than I am at you, to be fair. I'd be really frustrated in your situation too.
>> No. 16910 [Edit]
Replies: >>16914
>I didn't see anything wrong with them, either
They were quite clearly disparaging and showing contempt for the NEET/hikki lifestyle
>> No. 16914 [Edit]
Replies: >>16916
File 139275985867.png - (7.29KB , 300x300 , fuck off.png )
No they weren't.
>> No. 16916 [Edit]
File 139276157065.jpg - (279.56KB , 700x970 , if dis nigga don't shut tha fuck up__.jpg )
nah but they were though
>> No. 16920 [Edit]
Replies: >>16922
I agree with you. Objective moderation isn't catering to the whims of a few bitter faggots who want this imageboard and every single post to go by their 'rules'.

Actually, you can be banned for repeatedly making invalid/shitty reports to mods over in 4ch. Wizard too I believe. Perhaps you can at least bring up the threat of that to discourage the empty whiners who just want their way with everything.
>> No. 16922 [Edit]
Replies: >>16923 >>16934
>Objective moderation isn't catering to the whims of a few bitter faggots who want this imageboard and every single post to go by their 'rules'
Why is he doing that then? This whole thing started because a load of posts were deleted for exactly that reason.
>> No. 16923 [Edit]
Replies: >>16924 >>16925
Well I guess he may feel compelled to respond someway to the report which is what Mods and Admins are expected to do.

But deleting the post doesn't end the controversy and isn't necessarily the 'right' thing to do. There needs to be more accountability and consequences on the side of people who like to spam the report button or give no real reasons. You can always warn or ban someone for that and explain the reasons in public as a deterrent. It's been done on other boards. Whether mods want to make that decision themselves from intepreting the rules or even throw the reporter to the mercy of public opinion is up to them of course.
>> No. 16924 [Edit]
Replies: >>16925 >>16934
Oh, I missed the point that deleting posts is one of the most highly visible ways to show that moderation is indeed at work. You'd have to go an extra step in specifically posting about warning or banning a reporter somewhere. But I'd reckon at least sometimes that would be the more appropriate course of action.
>> No. 16925 [Edit]
I'm not trying to personally attack Tohno or anything, but you'd think there'd be more people around to sort this out so the actual owner of the freaking site wouldn't have to blunder over and argue with us about it. That's ridiculous.

I'm not against you here. I like Tohno-chan, it's pretty much the only place I can express my thoughts without feeling judged or alienated by an aggressive/obnoxious user base. I guess it just bothers me to see 4chan-tier shit like this frequently becoming an issue here to the point where it derails and ruins entire discussions.
>> No. 16934 [Edit]
Replies: >>16939
Tohno actually said he regretted doing it and said sorry yesterday.

A imageboard mod/admin doing that is almost unheard of to me, so give him slack.
>> No. 16939 [Edit]
Not criticizing. Just throwing an idea for consideration so all can see that reporters don't have free reign.
>> No. 16969 [Edit]

I don't think you got what I meant by 'slippery slope of shitposting'. We're at a point where deleting posts which actually break the rules is meaningless and plain not welcome by the userbase. Most users who cared about the quality of moderation have left long ago and now you're stuck with /jp/ / /ota/ tier of shitposters who will cry a river the second any of their posts get deleted.


>Actually no I'm sorry about deleting those posts. I should have just told the person(s) complaing about lack of moderation that there wasn't really much wrong with the posts they were reporting.

If you're still talking about me I stopped reporting things long ago since even posts which blatantly broke one of the written rules on the rules page were often ignored.
>> No. 16970 [Edit]
Replies: >>16972
The shitposting has gotten pretty bad as of late. This thread really isn't helping, especially since it's made by some retard trying to be rude for some reason.
>> No. 16972 [Edit]
Replies: >>16974 >>16996
File 139292935455.png - (292.64KB , 645x547 , shot0001.png )
>The shitposting has gotten pretty bad as of late.

No it hasn't.

>especially since it's made by some retard trying to be rude for some reason.

I think you're incapable of recognizing intention/tone through people's posts and taking a joke. Literal autism. You're probably that guy who reported earlier posts for "showing contempt for the NEET/hikki lifestyle".
>> No. 16974 [Edit]
Replies: >>16975
First of all, this was a "joke"? It's one hell of a bad joke because it's not funny and serves no purpose other than to waste space on this board.

Second of all, how in the hell can you "recognize intention/tone" through some text? Especially some poorly thought out and single line of text with nothing making it funny or keeping it apart from some shitty post from 4chan.

Last of all, what are you, stupid? Nothing from this thread was good and only brought about even worse threads with one poster asking for sex and some other terrible things. It's literally making this site worse, so much so that it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that it's probably the reason why the site got spammed hours ago with how awful the threads have been.
>> No. 16975 [Edit]
Replies: >>16976
Chill out dude, not everything is serious.
>> No. 16976 [Edit]
Replies: >>16978
Maybe he'll sperg himself out to death. That'd be cool. But honestly, go make your own OCD sperg hangout if you want to lurk 24/7 and have total control over all users and all content at all times.

Just because you think mods aren't anal enough here doesn't mean others think they aren't doing a decent job.
>> No. 16977 [Edit]
Holy shit guys I deleted a bunch of posts about pairing up sexually promiscuous girls with hikkineets because it's all against the rules (3D).

You were literally discussing sex with 3DPD, which is against the rules. I could have given out bans but I didn't.

Literally yesterday I deleted an imbed to a YouTube video that was a bunch of Ford Driver party bullshit. So I'm ready to start handing out bans to people if deleting infringing content is not enough.

Don't fucking blame Tohno for my decisions (which I stand behind). If you want to protect this niche from that shit, don't complain, and actually report threads for more than "I don't like where this is going" while literally ignoring "ah I wish I could fuck an ugly girl mannnnn"
>> No. 16978 [Edit]
Replies: >>16980

>Maybe he'll sperg himself out to death. That'd be cool. But honestly, go make your own OCD sperg hangout if you want to lurk 24/7 and have total control over all users and all content at all times.

We're literally at a point where posts like this are made in a non-ironic manner (and they re deemed acceptable it seems). That is all.
>> No. 16980 [Edit]
He's right though.
>> No. 16996 [Edit]
Replies: >>16997 >>16999 >>17000 >>17001
Oh my Haruhi, this place is fucking awful.
"True" otaku my ass, you're just another weak 4chan clone but with even more meta shitposting and tripfaggotry.
>> No. 16997 [Edit]
Then you should just go back to 4chan and try to be the snarkiest asshole you can be.
>> No. 16999 [Edit]
If you hate it here so much, then why not go back to 4chan? Go back to /a/ and pretend to have a waifu just so you can fit in.
>> No. 17000 [Edit]
A true otaku is a person who has an obsessive interest in a nerd hobby. It has nothing to do with being an elitist douchebag.
>> No. 17001 [Edit]

Well, that part about tripfaggotry isn't true. I'm afraid the rest is.
>> No. 19617 [Edit]
I'm a few days late. Sorry.

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