No. 16757
You can probably find everything you need for an exit bag (including helium) on Amazon. I haven't checked though. However, I am unsure as to whether Amazon monitors or "flags" certain purchases. Maybe I'm overly paranoid, but if I were ordering stuff to make an exit bag, I would probably try and buy some stuff with Bitcoin or at least buy most of the stuff on separate sites, and at different times too. Maybe throw in some irrelevant purchases as well. Buy them with separate credit cards too, or just your debit card and credit card if you don't have multiple credit cards.
Individually, all of the parts for an exit bag are completely legal. However, as mentioned in the Wikipedia article, the FBI did raid someone who sold premade kits. I suppose that means they are aware of the concept of exit bags. Do they track people who buy just the components? I don't know. But then again, they only raided a seller, not buyers.
Try buying some uninflated rubber balloons in addition to the helium. Get some other party stuff too. Then if anyone gets suspicious you can say you were going to throw a party. You might not seem like a party person, but I don't think they could legally do anything if you bought enough stuff to make it look convincing that you were going to use it for something other than suicide.
Maybe I'm overthinking this. You could always be ballsy and just buy everything all at once from the same place and hope nothing bad happens.
I hate to hear that someone wants to die, but I would rather help someone with finding information on how to buy and assemble an exit bag so they can die painlessly instead of saying "don't kill yourself" and have them not listen and then do a stupid and painless method. Anti-suicide posters often think they're helpful, but not giving a genuinely suicidal person helpful tips for pain-free methods is probably just going to lead to that person being in a lot of pain.
A lot of popular suicide methods are actually extremely painful and ineffective. Jumping out of a window isn't as fatal as people think, unless you're on the top of a skyscraper. And just imagine the pain if you live. Same with laying down on train tracks. People don't understand how versatile and durable the human body is. Failed suicide can be worse than death. Exit bags are very effective and painless. Accept no substitute.
Post edited on 8th Feb 2014, 1:45pm