No. 16789
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My ADD & low attention span is the major reason why my life sucks so much and I haven't achieved anything.
It's bad enough that I'm useless at work and anything that involves social interaction, but I can't even participate in the few things I actually enjoy in my spare time.
Like reading, I have to reread sentences + dialogue multiple times to make sure I understood it and read it properly. With anime & TV shows I constantly have to rewind everything because I get lost in my own thoughts all the time while watching.
I was born with a broken, inferior brain. I can't do shit. It isn't helped by the fact that I have no skills, talents or interesting personality to go with it either.
I can feel it getting worse, too. I cant even do basic arithmetic operations correctly and I'm forgetting everything. Years of an horrible diet consisting mainly of fast food, very fucked up sleep schedule and thousands of hours of porn are taking its toll.