No. 18153
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More or less what >>18144 pointed out. These days women (especially younger ones) have lost damn near all traces of femininity and have only held onto the less desirable female traits. We're in an age now when showing interest in things like baking, wearing pretty cloths, or sewing among other things are viewed as demeaning and oppressive. It's almost like it's embarrassing in today's culture to be or act like a girl, it's no surprise when the media is full of messages telling people to man up, stop being a pussy, be a man and stop throwing/hitting like a girl. You'd always hear the phrase 'insecure about your masculinity' tossed around on tv, but you never hear the opposite. Now they're trying to be men at every turn, from dressing like men to joining the work force/military. Even gaming has been getting invaded by women. They don't want to cook or clean anymore and want to be the man in the family, even if there's already one. Any man who shows interest in the more ideal women is automatically labeled a sexist pig, true scum holding back women kind. I'm no homosexual or tranny, of that I am absolutely certain. I don't want to 'be' a women any more than average person xyz wants to 'be' their wife/husband. Just as being labeled a sexist pig for liking feminine women, it's depressing that not liking masculine women in turn labels someone a "bitter and jealous closeted tranny". I feel like there's really no place in today's world for a truly straight male. If nothing else at least real women are plentifully in the world of anime, but even then it can be both sad when the most feminine characters in any given work end up being male. I can spot a fake 9/10 times but it still annoys me.
I go out and the women I see are covered in nasty tattoos, land whales twice my size, trashy looking women who strike me as drug addicts and who probably sell their vaginas for pennys on the dollar, women who dress in sleepwear on the streets or dirty flip-flops and shorts. If being disgusted by them, annoyed that they've killed off all the true women, depressed that my options are to settle for the likes of them or die alone... if that makes me bitter than so be it.
and no before you say it, I'm not just imaging it and/or projecting it. This town has tons of drug addicts, the mental health office I attend also serves drug addicts, and there's always plenty of them. I had to leave the help group I was attending there when some female drug addicts showed up. During the times I worked I'd encounter a lot of people all across the state. If you heard half of the the story I had you'd probably lose hope for humanity. I can't even comprehend at this point why anyone still gets married, so many men who have had their lives ruined by fickle bitches...
I'm not a misogynistic mind you for I adore women. rather, the concept of what a women can be and not what we have here now. Graceful calming beauty and elegance so pure, warm and tender gentle kindness, the sent of fresh flowers draped in the finest cloth. true angels, sigh...
what I can't stand are the pieces of filth that sully the name of women. feminist cunts with dick envy, crude self entitled bitches and whores, manipulative deceitful golddiggers that lie like it's second nature. They stink of disease, a cancer on society that spreads with western media which glorifies the filth. These abominations killed women and for that I will always despise them. yes I'm bitter for everything good and pure has been raped murdered and replaced by scum not fit to bare the tittle.
I realize I'm sitting in a sewer here and wishing for it to rain diamonds but that doesn't mean I have to like it, nor does it mean I have to accept my situation and eat one of the countless turds that float down my way. Don't you dare call me jealous for one god damn fucking minute! Not of those vail and wretched monstrosities. I have nothing to be jealous of there, not in this god forsaken hellhole. With the state of women being what it is, I can't blame you for being gay, I really can't but that's just not for me and since the alternative is no alternative at all, I rather just die alone and dream of something better.