No. 16573
>Not talking much doesn't mean they don't care FYI. It's sort of reasonable but also a pretty annoying assumption everybody makes.
I know that, but I can't help feeling bad after checking old logs and seeing how much conversation there is them when compared to the ones from now. How much we talked, the things we talked about, etc. It's all so different. I want to bring things back to how they were but they just don't seem to care anymore. I'm the only one putting any semblance of effort.
>Just find somewhere where people have common interests and build new relationships there, perhaps you won't ever have friends like those again but gotta do what you can with what you have. And don't forget that people come and go but anonymous is always there.
>You can always find a new group, somewhere. The internet is full of people who are willing to talk to anyone.
Yes, I know that as well but where should I go and search for? Anonymous is always there, sure, but it's just no the same. There's an enormous difference between talking with anon and talking with someone 1 to 1.
>I wouldn't think it's really a betrayal if you're not even around a person and there's no expressed interest.
That's the problem. I have been around him, I have expressed interest yet there's nothing from him. It's a betrayal not only because of what he did to me but because after 2 years of him spouting all that about hating Ford Drivers, going out, etc he goes and is on the path of becoming a Ford Driver because the first random slut he found gave him a chance. It's the sheer hypocrisy of the act what has me furious.
>You sound like a female though so I'm not surprised you feel that way.
Me, A and B are male. But yes, I know like a jealous female, I've noticed it too.
>But don't use that as an excuse to stop bathing, act like a jerk or abuse drugs.
I bathe daily and I've never touched a drug in my whole life. I don't even smoke and never will.
Funnily enough, A has not logged in at all in the past 2 days. Maybe he finally took the step I never dared to take.