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File 138927585022.jpg - (152.45KB , 850x850 , Crying Utsuho.jpg )
16568 No. 16568 [Edit]
I feel lonely, but worse than that, I feel ignored. It's worse than being truly alone.

I remain in contact with 3 persons, I met C per chance and we don't really have any deep relationships or anything. We just talk from time from time about random topics and very rarely at that. There are times we go hours without talking. Like I said, I don't have anything deep with her so it doesn't bother me much. I usually vent with her as a matter of fact, but honestly, I can tell that she doesn't care in the end, her responses are always generics "I see" or stuff like that always end up making me even more mad or at times doesn't even reply to me properly and just talks about whatever she wants after I'm done talking.

Then there's A and B. Two persons I held in very high stem, we had or lows, or downs, it's embarrassing to admit it now but we used to be in a sort of love triangle with me in the middle but that's over already. Either way, even after that I remained in contact with both of them.

Still, I feel betrayed, mostly by B. He's a NEET, a Hikki, hates going out, he's your perfect specimen of all the usual stuff and yet he went and got drunk during Christmas Eve, kissed with the girl next door and now they are couple, I feel betrayed for that. He's nothing but a hypocrite, and honestly, I feel jealous for this, because he doesn't pay attention to me as much, because he doesn't talk to me as much, because he's always talking about that damn vixen and making comments like "I spent years without a goodnight, 5 days without her telling me goodnight won't kill me (she went on a trip or something)" or "It's so lonely without her here" make me so damn mad. Like if everything we experienced together never happened, like if I don't exist. I wish to disappear completely from his life, never log on again but I don't have the balls to do it. It's too scary, I'm accustomed to life with him and I don't know what I would do without having him there to talk about the stuff we usually talk about.

About B... I don't even know how to explain it. I have been with him as long as with B but the situation now is pretty similar to C. He doesn't show interest on me, I try to start conversation and I met nothing but short replies that kill any attempt of it, it's like nothing I ever say interests him or he just plain dislikes talking with me. He never tried to do small talk, or talk about anything. The only way I can manage to have a proper conversation with him is when I bring up a serious topic like our relationship and the state it is, and even then, it's for nothing, because the situation remains the same no matter how many times I keep trying to fix it. It's maddening and horribly disheartening.

Honestly, like I said before, sometimes I feel like completely disappearing. Never log on again, go back to the times where I had no one to talk with but I can't bring myself to do it. Such an abrupt change to the lifestyle that I have been living for the past 2 years. It's scary, I don't want to be alone again either. It's scary. No matter what I do or the decision I take I'll still be hurting inside.
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>> No. 16570 [Edit]
Not talking much doesn't mean they don't care FYI. It's sort of reasonable but also a pretty annyoing assumption everybody makes.

In my experience letting it go is the best way. You don't have to erase anybody out of your life, just accept that you don't have as much in common anymore and thus you won't have much of a reason to interact frequently.
Just find somewhere where people have common interests and build new relationships there, perhaps you won't ever have friends like those again but gotta do what you can with what you have. And don't forget that people come and go but anonymous is always there.
>> No. 16571 [Edit]
You can always find a new group, somewhere. The internet is full of people who are willing to talk to anyone.
>> No. 16572 [Edit]

I wouldn't think it's really a betrayal if you're not even around a person and there's no expressed interest. You sound like a female though so I'm not surprised you feel that way.

Honestly being a NEET I've gotten really distant from my friends. It's impossible to have fun with no money in this city. So, I've only met up with them a few times in the past year. The exchanges slow down because there's less to talk about and they've changed but you can't tell how because you don't see them.

Go ahead and be lonely; It's not much different from being out of touch. But don't use that as an excuse to stop bathing, act like a jerk or abuse drugs.
>> No. 16573 [Edit]
>Not talking much doesn't mean they don't care FYI. It's sort of reasonable but also a pretty annoying assumption everybody makes.
I know that, but I can't help feeling bad after checking old logs and seeing how much conversation there is them when compared to the ones from now. How much we talked, the things we talked about, etc. It's all so different. I want to bring things back to how they were but they just don't seem to care anymore. I'm the only one putting any semblance of effort.

>Just find somewhere where people have common interests and build new relationships there, perhaps you won't ever have friends like those again but gotta do what you can with what you have. And don't forget that people come and go but anonymous is always there.

>You can always find a new group, somewhere. The internet is full of people who are willing to talk to anyone.

Yes, I know that as well but where should I go and search for? Anonymous is always there, sure, but it's just no the same. There's an enormous difference between talking with anon and talking with someone 1 to 1.

>I wouldn't think it's really a betrayal if you're not even around a person and there's no expressed interest.
That's the problem. I have been around him, I have expressed interest yet there's nothing from him. It's a betrayal not only because of what he did to me but because after 2 years of him spouting all that about hating Ford Drivers, going out, etc he goes and is on the path of becoming a Ford Driver because the first random slut he found gave him a chance. It's the sheer hypocrisy of the act what has me furious.

>You sound like a female though so I'm not surprised you feel that way.
Me, A and B are male. But yes, I know like a jealous female, I've noticed it too.

>But don't use that as an excuse to stop bathing, act like a jerk or abuse drugs.
I bathe daily and I've never touched a drug in my whole life. I don't even smoke and never will.

Funnily enough, A has not logged in at all in the past 2 days. Maybe he finally took the step I never dared to take.
>> No. 16574 [Edit]
>How much we talked, the things we talked about, etc. It's all so different. I want to bring things back to how they were but they just don't seem to care anymore. I'm the only one putting any semblance of effort.
Obvious, but if you're the only one who cares then you're wasting time here. Just bear it for now and eventually you'll let go of it. There's not much you can do when you're clinging to a state of affairs that can't really be reconstructed.
Ofc, that's just my way of doing things, you can always just open up for them since you seem to be very close and see how it goes.

>Yes, I know that as well but where should I go and search for?
Hell, do I know? The internet is filled with communities dedicated to pretty much anything you can think about in the form of forums, IRC channels, mailing lists and whatever though. You can always go for the social networks if you're desperate too.
Just pick something you're interested in and find a community related to it.

>Anonymous is always there, sure, but it's just no the same. There's an enormous difference between talking with anon and talking with someone 1 to 1.
Indeed. Still works wonders in keeping things from getting too depressing.
>> No. 16575 [Edit]
Hey OP, look at the good side: at least you have friends.
>> No. 16576 [Edit]
Who wants to be my special friend?
>> No. 16577 [Edit]
Think how funny it would've been if this thread got zero replies.
>> No. 16580 [Edit]
I've had similar shit happen to me before, so I can relate to some extent. I know it's rough to have buddies suddenly ditch you over some random hoe they just met when you didn't have many friends to start with. You don't necessarily have to burn the bridge completely, but at the same time, you have to accept that it happened and stop counting on them putting any effort into being a friend anymore.

When friendships get too one-sided, I personally stop initiating contact with them and let it fall to 'old acquaintance' level, assuming they don't initiate contact either. There's no point in investing time and going through drama trying to salvage it if the other party doesn't even care, right?
>> No. 16584 [Edit]
You see, OP, everything is a lie. No one is sincere. Nothing is worth it. I hope you learned your lesson about pouring your heart into people.
>> No. 16591 [Edit]
I know exactly how you feel. I've cycled through so many best friends (only friends I'd ever type to and would be able to share any meaningful conversations with) to having absolutely nothing. It's like my friends have all been stolen by other people. That's actually why I came to Tohno-chan today. I'm so bored, and am virtually alone without being alone at the same time. It's the worst feeling. I feel you down to wanting to disappear forever, but just being unable to. I'm reminded of it everyday. I feel terrible because I don't think I've done anything personally to deter everyone away from me. Maybe I'm just blind to it. It's as if nobody has time for me anymore, ironically when I have the most time for everyone. I'm glad you posted this, I know I wasn't alone in this feeling but to see a story of it on a place I visit regularly is a relief to me somewhat.
>> No. 16610 [Edit]
File 13903071948.jpg - (501.40KB , 1050x1050 , 23e2333d11a4459080bb78636d2b98cc.jpg )
I'm also going through a similar situation, and like others have been saying you just have to let it go. You can't let this get you down, its not worth it if they aren't even putting effort on their part. Take some time to yourself. Immerse yourself in some hobbies, preferably something creative like drawing or writing.There are so many other awesome things to enjoy in life, you just gotta find it. Take it easy.

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