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File 138851927389.jpg - (665.40KB , 1600x1200 , 234.jpg )
16528 No. 16528 [Edit]
Have a good one, guys.
Any resolutions?
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>> No. 16534 [Edit]
Yeah, 1920x1200, 8:5 master race.

New year resolutions are for normals. I hope this year will be better than the last.
>> No. 16537 [Edit]
File 138858292556.png - (859.73KB , 2560x2048 , 1308851791943.png )
Taking it back to the old school. 800 x 600 is where it's at.
>> No. 16569 [Edit]
4:3 is awesome indeed, but so is 5:4, maybe even more.
I don't know what will I do once my current monitor dies, I fear all I'll find out there are those crappy widescreens.
>> No. 16586 [Edit]
What's wrong with wide aspect ratios?
Portrait mode is great for reading. Of course, not all monitors have rotating stands, but ergonomic monitor arms are pretty cheap.
>> No. 16587 [Edit]
I like to keep one monitor in portrait mode and the other landscape. That way I can fulfill all my useless needs.

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