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File 138644050248.png - (316.42KB , 637x493 , heeeelp.png )
16406 No. 16406 [Edit]
I was just watching TV with my family (6 people in total) and the people in the news channel were talking about a gas attack in Syria. my sister asked what kind of gas the government troops were using to attack the rebels. i saw this as a chance to crack a witty joke and make everyone laugh, so I said out loud "It must have been Zyklon B, haha" and everyone just stared at me in silence. I thought maybe they just didn't get it so I kept going and said Zyklon B was the gas they used to kill the jews. My mother looked at me and said "We know." and everyone resumed watching the news without saying anything. It was very awkward, I felt so embarrassed I had to stand up and leave. Why does everyone constantly shame like this? Couldn't they at least PRETEND my joke was funny? It's like they couldn't see I was red in the face and visibly upset. Is it because I'm NEET? Or was my comment just not funny?
>> No. 16407 [Edit]
>>Is it because I'm NEET? Or was my comment just not funny?
A mixture of both, I assume.
>> No. 16408 [Edit]
I think that was just an inappropriate and overall joke. Hell even saying it was farts would have been better.

Don't let it get to you though, people don't really care about this stuff, and will forget it ever happened after a few days. People fuck up all the time.
>> No. 16410 [Edit]
I think they were trying to recover from your sister's stupidity.
>> No. 16412 [Edit]
Took the words out of my mouth.
>> No. 16413 [Edit]
Wow, that's sounds like something Tomoko would say. The picture really suits your post, OP.
>> No. 16415 [Edit]
So what exactly was the joke part of it in your mind?
>> No. 16417 [Edit]
Nazis is SRS bisniss

I know how you feel though. Whenever I talk to my family at gatherings, they call me long-winded or ask why I say things and it just makes me want to never talk at family gatherings again. That combined with the fact each interaction with them always eventually leads to them just telling me to shut up because I don't have a license or job.
>> No. 16418 [Edit]
>That combined with the fact each interaction with them always eventually leads to them just telling me to shut up because I don't have a license or job.
Oh Shinden, my man...
>> No. 16419 [Edit]
I find that even saying anything can set my parents off. It's best to say nothing at all, although here I think the problem was your 'joke'.
>> No. 16421 [Edit]
That joke was unfunny and in pretty bad taste. I doubt your family was pesonally offended, but you know its just in bad taste, nobody is going to laugh politely or something like that.
>> No. 16425 [Edit]
Eventually, one just learns not to make jokes like that. Even if what you said wasn't extremely taboo (are you guys jewish?), then there was still no humour to be found in what you said, other than the fact that it happened. Don't worry about it though, as it will stop hurting relatively soon. It's just a bad joke, happens all the time. Life goes on. C'est la vie.

Also, Zyklon B was used to take care of the lice infestation that was spreading typhus throughout Europe at the time. There were no actual gas chambers.

The more you know.
>> No. 16427 [Edit]
I really don't get how that's witty.

I mean, for all I know, it was Zyklon B.
>> No. 16452 [Edit]
I laughed at your joke, so don't spank yourself so much.

In any case, though shame is a public experience that is impossed on you by some collective, I think that it is possible to avoid such bad feelings, without loosing your moral compass, by relying better on guilt; I mean: to be true to yourself and what you see as appropriate behavior, finally disregarding others.

For instance, I do similar topic jokes while watching TV news when I think my mom can enjoy them. If not, I just keep them to myself not to bother my family, because I actually do care about them. However, when I've been surrounded by people whom I don't give a fuck about or even despise, I went with offensive jokes all the same to amuse myself, letting the worthless cronies around feel awkward in my place.

On the other hand, I've felt very bad and punished myself for doing things others didn't mind but I did. I'm still not sure but I currently find closer to ethics to act this way (driven by guilt).
>> No. 16473 [Edit]
Know your audience better before making an unclean joke.
>> No. 16478 [Edit]
You should know better than to joke about the Shoah, you dirty goy.
>> No. 16484 [Edit]
If I was there when you told that joke, I wouldn't laugh too. Sorry.

And what would you do if someone at the room had a grandparent who went through the holocaust and was forced by Hitler himself to clean the gas rooms using only his tongue?
>> No. 16485 [Edit]
>And what would you do if someone at the room had a grandparent who went through the holocaust and was forced by Hitler himself to clean the gas rooms using only his tongue?

Then you call them on their bullshit since we all know the holohoax never happened and they had soccer fields and plays in the concenration camps.
>> No. 16505 [Edit]
Haha yah dont feel bad i laughed too. Holocaust jokes are some of the best.

Whats the difference between a Jew and a Pizza? The Pizza doesnt scream when put into an oven
>> No. 16506 [Edit]
Haha yah dont feel bad i laughed too. Holocaust jokes are some of the best.

Whats the difference between a Jew and a Pizza? The Pizza doesnt scream when put into an oven
>> No. 16525 [Edit]
I may not be a holocaust "Denier", but I certainly sympathize with Ernest Zundel and David Irving and Hoerst MAhler who stand up against the (Western) Allied Powers for what they did to Germany after WWII.
>> No. 16530 [Edit]
I don't deny it happening, I just don't consider it a big deal.
>> No. 16532 [Edit]
In my country, you could actually go to prison for 5 years for making a joke like that in public.

Also, I don't mind holocaust jokes or whatever, but your joke really was kinda unfunny.

>my sister asked what kind of gas the government troops were using to attack the rebels
you should've told her that the government probably didn't use any gas at all. This was most probably a false flag attack by the Terrorist side in order to get NATO involved in a war against Assad. This British MP goes into some more detail on the issue:

Also, happy new year guys. Sure is the right board to be posting on right now.
>> No. 16582 [Edit]
>even saying it was farts would have been better.
In all honesty, it would have been even worse, his parents would probably get him tested for down's syndrome after cracking something like that.
>> No. 16585 [Edit]
You should have said "Don't worry, I can make that joke. I have an oven"

OC do not steal I just came up with it
>> No. 16675 [Edit]
Why do you people always feel the need to interject with your shitty opinions into every single discussion.

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