No. 16383
I've been in a similar situation alright. When I was 17, my mom and obviously I were unemployed, and my father was supporting the whole thing. He got a new wife and divorced my mother. Said he'd help, but lo and behold, he doesn't even provide child support (I also have a little sister who's 2 years old) most of the time and cannot be forced to in court because he's a greedy, sly motherfucker, and a lawyer. He can pull the right strings and get away with it.
So, after two miserable years of begging everyone in the family, I sold off an important asset of mine and made a ton of money. At this point, I was on bad terms with my mother, so I just took off and lived on my own for an year. It went from really shitty to awesome in a matter of days.
Now I've moved back to my grandma's house, since I figured I don't want to live by myself (too lazy to cook, wash, etc). It's great because she's quiet and nice and I help her out sometimes and she does all the house work. Since the house is big, things are fine for now. I haven't seen my father in years, and I barely see my mother these days, since I moved 300km south. Mother only calls to beg for money, and Haruhi damn she owes me a lot. But if it wasn't for me, she'd be homeless by now, so it's ok.
I had this very important thing I could sell to turn my life around, unlike you, it seems. I feel very grateful for that, and although it will be over someday, I can enjoy myself for now. I wish you the best of luck and maybe a better job, so that you can pull through.
Post edited on 4th Dec 2013, 1:50am