No. 15898
So here's my situation. I've been a NEET since I finished high school, so, 4 years and counting. Actually I enrolled in college for 4 months or so and then dropped out because my parents didn't pay for it. Whatever, I couldn't handle how awful it was anyways. In all honesty, college was even worse than high school for me.
After 3 years of NEETing at my mom's house, we both began arguing everyday, and I'd be so frustrated I felt angry and bitter all the time, and very sleep deprived, because she had a baby with my father who left us around the time I started my senior high school year, then fucked her silly one night and left again. This was absolutely disgusting for me, I lost most of the respect I had for my mom when I knew that. Forced to wake up to a yelling baby at 3/4 am every single night, being sleep deprived in a stage of my life where I was developing cool projects on my own, when I most needed silence and peace... I felt like, as if it wasn't enough that she now was pressuring me hard to get a job, she was doing so because the baby's costs were too high, and if it depended on me I'd never have let that baby be born, not to mention the consequences this would have on my productivity and creativity (my own little projects).
Everything was driving me crazy at this point.
So one day, I decided to cash in on a popular website I'd made, and sold it for big bucks. I ain't taking anymore of this shit, I'm moving out, to a place where neither my mom or dad can reach me easily. So I've been living on my own for about an year as of now, still NEETing. I rented a cool apartment, I have everything I want (granted, I don't collect figures or dakimakuras and other expensive hobbies, but I could if I wanted) and I'm doing great, albeit still recovering from a long time of sleep deprivation, but at least I didn't stop developing my own internet projects completely.
The thing is, I need around 800$ every month to just get by (food, rentm, bills and transportation sometimes). I haven't gotten a real job, college education, and although I have plenty of money right now, it is but a ticking time bomb. 2, maybe 3 years from now, if I don't get a job or make a profitable project again, I'm gonna bite the dust. I cut my ties almost completely with my parents, which I'm glad for because it saved my sanity, but at the same time I have nowhere to crash at if I lose my house.
I managed to cheat the end to my NEET days an year ago, and also overcoming the precarious life I was having, but as things stand, I will have to stop NEETing in 2 years from now, that is, if I can even get a job.
Post edited on 4th Sep 2013, 9:09am