/so/ - Ronery
NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!

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File 137439675692.jpg - (89.19KB , 583x700 , 7351287b7ab9fe28706dbb8069dd92551afcef2f.jpg )
15515 No. 15515 [Edit]
We all know our lives all suck, but lets take this chance to talk about the things that bring us joy in our lives!! This is a thread for the things we're grateful for or that make us happy, or just post about some good things that have happened to you lately!
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>> No. 15516 [Edit]
File 13743983673.jpg - (190.50KB , 514x600 , 561969.jpg )
Love, video games, music, friendship. Mazinkaiser.
>> No. 15519 [Edit]
File 137441398944.jpg - (289.66KB , 850x1139 , sample-53dc302a3bbb05565b78c5ab16142c2e.jpg )
Aww yeah
>> No. 15520 [Edit]
Earthbound on the Wii U Virtual Console. I already own the cart and can also emulate it if I chose, but seeing this launch last week just made me so happy. I'm having a great time replaying it.
>> No. 20419 [Edit]
And I'm not suprised this thread only has 3 replies.

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