No. 15848
My sentiment is similar to >>15644 , though perhaps less cynical.
I've had friends, some whom have referred to me as their best friend, but all relationships of two spending time together - nothing more. I think best friends would have a much deeper connection, but perhaps that's my romanticized ideal, because I've never felt less distant with a friend than any stranger. I'm both unable to develop interpersonal emotional connections and unconfindent in my worthiness as a friend. Thus I imagine others have trouble presuming my thoughts of them, leading to a standoff where neither party knows how to proceed, unconfidant of their standing, letting time waste away at whatever connection had us talking in the first place. But this could very well be the nature of friendship; all having an end. Furthermore, I'm very headstrong in my ideology of having no ideology, quickly frustrated by the underlying reasonings in innocuous remarks. This divide is enough to keep me from fully liking another. So I'm unsure if I've ever had a best friend, and in any case I'm not much one for friendship.