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File 137005398182.png - (87.80KB , 500x425 , tumblr_metxi2zqhZ1qjc6p0o1_500.png )
15030 No. 15030 [Edit]
Is it always going to be like this?
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>> No. 15032 [Edit]
And by this of course I mean bad .png compressions.
>> No. 15037 [Edit]
File bear.jpeg - (739.52KB , 1280x720 )
What do you think?
>> No. 15525 [Edit]
File 137446348576.jpg - (91.53KB , 472x394 , 1330403331479.jpg )
Possibly, but you never know.
>> No. 15526 [Edit]
No. Things change. They get worst.
>> No. 15554 [Edit]
Things change eventually, even when you don't want them to.
>> No. 15558 [Edit]
>Is it always going to be like this?
It can't be helped.
>> No. 15648 [Edit]
People can change too. Whether that's good or bad is situational. Just like your environment changing.
>> No. 15649 [Edit]
I agree. People are always shit.

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