No. 14341
- (48.69KB
, 500x500
, Zoku+Sayonara+Zetsubou+Sensei+ZSZSOST.jpg
Not much. Usually, just sleeping/trying to sleep, eating with my family, onanizing repeatedly and surfing the web (participating on this and some other forums; checking for hours and days straight some stuff that had catched my interest).
Somedays I go to the college campus, be it to attend the lectures of a couple professors that teach stuff that interest me (but give me no academical credit anymore) or to report some advances on the rather dull illustration stuff that I do (so I can keep spending on collectibles); after doing either of those things I go straight home to eat with my family, ending up rather tired to do anything but keep surfing the web half-sleep. Some other days, I entertain myself a little with offline stuff that I can partake in my room (drawing, playing music, watchingr a movie or, rarely, playing some videogame).
Normally, after sunset, I go out to my house's backyard to see the sky and think about Shihou Matsuri (a habit to make myself company that I've hold for some years now; I reserve for her that one moment of the day). After midnight, I do it again but to have a cigarrette and then I normally start thinking about my life, about my pointless days and past or current efforts and the hopelessnes of it all. Sometimes I think explicitly about my waifu but not very often: she's too much me myself at this point to fantasize about her as someone else by my side; I just remind myself that I must keep on living at least to see what becomes of her in the canon media, over the next years.
That's it.