No. 13539
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So where do you guys stand on the whole "Natural Talent vs. HARD WORK AND GUTS!" debate? Cause I'm leaning mostly towards the latter here.
I know no amount of motivational quotes or speeches from the likes of Rocky Balboa, Captain America, Kamina, Coach Ohta, or fucking whoever, will necessarily make that much, if any, difference in your life or your personal goals. Fuck, if anything, a lot of people take that shit too literally.
Cap got his powers as good as handed to him by a government scientist. Rocky gets a training montage to make otherwise long, tedious training pass in the time span of one awesome song. Kamina was self-admittedly just an overconfident lucky idiot with lot of tough talk because he knew he had someone to bail his ass out if he did something stupid. Coach Ohta could probably make an amazingly convincing speech about anything and have us believing him just because Norio Wakamoto.
Seems like a lot of people forget that there's no defining moment of change. There's no training montage, no magical, hot-blooded man-the-fuck-up moment. Shit happens slowly over the years. Not like there's any specific number equated to any specific level either. Could be just a few years, could be half your life (could be almost your entire life). There's too many fucktons of variables to tell. How often do you practice a day? How often does all the other shit in your life allow you to practice a day? Fuck, there may even be some slight element of natural aptitude involved, but as far as I know, usually not to the extent of "YOU WILL NEVER BE ANY GOOD AT THIS. EVER. STOP TRYING."
Even so, I'm not gonna speak for making a full-time profession out of creative work. Actually, I'd advise against it. It'd raise your standards for yourself to ridiculous heights, it'd pressure you to work uncomfortably fast, and in this day and age, there honestly isn't nearly as much point to it. Self-publishing, independent distribution, and having an all-around DIY ethic have become easier than ever. Even if you can just sustain yourself in some way that lets you have time to do what you like on the side, that should be good enough, regardless of how good or terrible you think you are at it.
tl;dr, Hard work and guts! Never give up! Trust your instincts! Additional generic motivational quote!