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File 135649404368.jpg - (2.12MB , 1637x1344 , Auditorium-Theatre-photo-credit-James-Steinkamp.jpg )
12887 No. 12887 [Edit]
I hope I fall asleep today and the world happen to not exist tommorow.

Post edited on 25th Dec 2012, 7:54pm
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>> No. 12888 [Edit]
File 135649921613.jpg - (88.40KB , 1060x588 , the world ends.jpg )
Or have been only a bad dream of someone else.
>> No. 12889 [Edit]
Me too!
>> No. 12892 [Edit]
>> No. 12893 [Edit]
I was disappointed when the world didn't end last Friday.

I got myself all cleaned up, shaved, and put on my best clothes.

Nothing happened...
>> No. 12894 [Edit]
serves you right for believing that stupid 2012 shit.
>> No. 12895 [Edit]
I tell myself that I could die at any moment and it makes life more bearable, even though I know deep down that the possibility is so slim it might as well be a lie.
>> No. 12896 [Edit]
We all need something to believe in.
>> No. 12897 [Edit]
We all need something to believe in.
>> No. 12898 [Edit]

Every time I go to bed I hope I die in my sleep. Obviously no luck yet
>> No. 12899 [Edit]
So how about you believe in something a little less retarded?
>> No. 12901 [Edit]
how about fuck you.
>> No. 12902 [Edit]
Name a time and place, I'll bring my ass.
>> No. 12904 [Edit]
This place just turned into a sex zone. Please watch your step.
>> No. 12909 [Edit]
File 135693083542.png - (339.07KB , 900x675 , sasuke__s_darkness_by_konata2k7-d45qoyy[1].png )
I feel you OP.

I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in....
>> No. 12913 [Edit]
I hope you wake up happy tomorrow. Happy new year.
>> No. 12946 [Edit]
Ha ha ha are you fucking for real, are you really doing this. get out

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