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11588 No. 11588 [Edit]
Has anyone of you got any experiences on that topic to share?

I am facing it very soon, have little to no preparation thanks to procrastination, fear, apathy.

And i don't want to apply for welfare or anything, won't go to any job centres/offices, can't deal with it.
>> No. 11589 [Edit]
I've been without a home when younger, but always found somewhere to go. If you're thinking of living on the streets be careful, it's extremely dangerous. Can't really give you advice on it though...
>> No. 11592 [Edit]
vagabond =! hobo !!

also you should really get a gun if your going the hobo way. and try to stay clean.
>> No. 11593 [Edit]
I've been homeless for almost 2 years now. It's very depressing at first and learning to survive is... tough, to say the least. It's harsh being homeless. I consider myself lucky to live in a somewhat large city, there's lots of places to scrounge from but enough space for me to stay away from the dangerous hobos and thugs.

I think you would be better off applying for welfare to be honest. I consider myself too far gone to go back; I don't think I could live the life I used to before I used up all my money, there's just too much to do and too many things to keep track of.

I think it took me over a full year to finally say I am good at surviving the streets. I don't recommend doing this, I've been close to death far too much for my liking and the amount of times I've been injured or an inch from being seriously injured is too high to remember.

Think of it like walking on hot coals, but there are walls and a ceiling too made of hot coals, and the ceiling is falling apart. It takes a while, but once you make it to the other end of the room you find yourself at a shit-stained palace made of trash. But after walking trough the room of hot coals, it's a sight worth crying over.
>> No. 11594 [Edit]
Homelessness sucks.

Even if you're lucky enough to find an abandoned building that isn't a meth lab, and a supermarket that actual dumpsters and not a trash compactor to scrounge from, you're still gonna get lice, you're not gonna have electricity, no internet except at a library, and you'll probably get raped a couple times.

Go to the fucking job center, apply for welfare. It's better than being homeless.
>> No. 11595 [Edit]
How have you survived?
>> No. 11596 [Edit]
Don't forget about people who beat up or kill hobos for fun.
>> No. 11599 [Edit]
not homeless, but that seems exxagerated badly.
>> No. 11600 [Edit]
That does actually happen. There was something on the news a while back about some kids killing a bum just for shits and giggles. I think that they probably killed more before that one bum, but I didn't really care enough to keep much information about that.

I think that the only reason it became anything was probably because he was a war veteran.

Post edited on 3rd Sep 2012, 8:29pm
>> No. 11601 [Edit]
I was given a deadline just last night, actually. No idea how I will survive. Will be applying for subsidized living, I think.

It's funny, all that time I was assuring myself that I'd end my own life the moment I would be kicked out. Here is the moment, but I can't do it.
>> No. 11602 [Edit]
Please report later how it went, if you can.
>> No. 11603 [Edit]
in most cases, it's very easy to get away with.
>> No. 11604 [Edit]

Good luck with everything.
>> No. 11605 [Edit]
Good luck, keep in touch if you can. I'd like to know if you get yourself a new place to stay.

I call BS.
>> No. 15350 [Edit]
I found this interesting blog about living homeless.

>> No. 15352 [Edit]
I'd rather be a squatter in the fucking woods, to be honest.
>> No. 15355 [Edit]
Good luck. Really hope you pull through. We'll always be here.
>> No. 15404 [Edit]
Woods could probably be less dangerous, but if you're fucked NO ONE will be able to help you. At least in an urban environment if you are dying someone MAY call ambulance etc.
>> No. 15405 [Edit]

Good point, although if it got to the point that I wanted to squat in the woods I probably wouldn't care about dying in the first place.
>> No. 15414 [Edit]
People can learn and adapt real fast when their life depends on it. You might become a badass piss-drinking survivalist. Or just shot up by a bunch of trigger-happy folk sport hunting with overkill guns. Keep us updated if you do become a street NEET.
>> No. 15419 [Edit]
Homelessness isn't too bad. If you aren't in a major city it's easy to find support. If you want to be a leech, that is. If you want to be some crazy woodland hobo, well, you'll probably be dead soon.

In major cities it's actually harder because there are so many homeless people and wealth, food, shelter is stretched between them.

If you keep it up you will find yourself in an early grave. Homelessness is a means to an end, it's the bottom. You abandon everything and that lets you rebuild. Don't get stuck there.
>> No. 15420 [Edit]
Seems like a tough thing to crawl out of with an even worse catch-22 than new grads needing job experience from a job but need experience to get one in the first place. Unless you live in a loving socialist country with lots of help, homeless need a permanent address, mode of transportation and to maintain a decent wardrobe/appearance to get a job and off the streets. Yet those things you get from having a job in the first place. They may also fall victim to the experience catch-22. Even low end jobs want it now.
>> No. 15421 [Edit]
When you're at the point where homelessness becomes an option it makes sense. It's difficult to explain why.

Coming out it isn't hard to find a job because you are motivated. More motivated than you've ever been. Presentable clothing is available. Even suits and what have you can be had. You can find a job, it's a different market from what grads are looking at. Grads are spoiled, they expect the world. You won't find a high paying job coming from homelessness but you can find a steady wage to build on.

Homeless aren't all sidewalk bums and drug addicts. Those guys are mostly mentally ill. They're lost causes. Some of them you wouldn't even think were homeless.
>> No. 15425 [Edit]
Well if you're determined enough and are willing to do the really dirty, low paying jobs such as working at a meat processing plant than you'll definitely get something. But it sucks if you live in a country with a poor social safety net and have people with degrees fighting to get into Starbucks and retail. Though compared to working in a slaughterhouse, those things are leagues above.
>> No. 15436 [Edit]
>Homelessness isn't too bad. If you aren't in a major city it's easy to find support. If you want to be a leech, that is.

When I was homeless for a bit, it was in a smaller town, and I was able to get into a shelter consistently every night, where there was a place to sleep and wash up. During the day I could go to the library, or wander around pretty safely. That's not to say it was a great life, because it... was not, but it was probably easier than if I still lived in a big city.
>> No. 15504 [Edit]
I think you should zen out. you have too much pride in not taking handouts. You may be leeching today, but you can seed tomorrow. We all contribute in our own way.
>> No. 16353 [Edit]
You still here with us? Wondering how others have dealt with a disruptive transition like this.

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