No. 10050
I am honestly still naive, thinking I can someday assimilate to some degree to the oversociety, but I am not so much a fan of abandoning my 2D love. I could be in a suit and settling a business matter, or teaching some kids, or translating a webpage, but I still will hold her dear, maybe even with a framed picture of her at my desk.
I don't so much think of her as my "waifu" per se, but more along the lines of the Japanese term 彼女脳内で (Kanojo nounai de, girlfriend in my head), which is a bit older a concept than "waifu". I also out of respect for her, do not wish to use commitment until I am absolutely sure I am to stay faithful to her, which I am basically considering as a certainty. However, everything is subject to change, imperfect as the transient nature of the human is, but I still consider it a certainty. I call her my waifu for the convenience of accessibility, but the word is inconsistent with the feelings and does not properly convey the idea behind it. But I will commit to her eventually.
I believe 2D love is to be taken seriously, and I also condone (but do not spread) the idea of 2D love while committing to a 3D mate for financial or procreative (and to a certain extent, romantic) reasons. To me, I think that 2D love is best when it is a conscientious and uninhibited choice made by the person, rendering void the stereotype and misunderstanding that we chose 2D love out of desperation after not being able to date 3D/ being rejected by 3D/ bad experiences with 3D. Most of the people here aren't resentful to 3D because they tried and were rejected by them, but rather that they have qualities that do not suit us, for instance, forcing ideas, mores, or actions on people. We all know that no matter how great a 3D girl seems at first, as soon as you start living with her, your decor and lifestyle is pretty much moribund. Waifu and the like don't do this.
However, I have a suspicion that some people here do sincerely love their waifu, and hold a relationship with a 3D at the same time, whatever their reasons being. Polyamory is a natural human trait.
As for me, I don't consider myself above the idea of 2D for love while having 3D at the same time. Right now it looks uninteresting to me. However I cannot speak for myself 5 or 10 years down the line.
But I think at least that I will hold true my 2D love to my grave, over all obstacles, even though it will be devastating when her series ends, or Yoshimizu-sensei dies.
Anyone who is against waifuism should also be against patriotism or religion or celibate widows. Being in love with an intangible concept, being or idea (a country, a lost loved one, or a god for instance) is the same as loving any other human creation, including a character. I think we should be better understood, even if we don't seek rights or harass people vocally against us, unless out well being is threatened, like if we were lynched. But it won't happen, as we just hide away and aren't vocal about it, which is positively the best tactic given the circumstances.
However, Fakku, cons and Tumblr hipsters are fucking blowing our cover. Only a matter of time before WBC starts making "GOD HATES OTAKU OTAKU ARE FAGS BURN IN HELL CARTOON WORSHIPPERS" signs and picketing conventions, or the fucking feminists start going on CNN to speak out against 2D and tell parents it's the lifestyle that should be corrected, like drug use, and then try to get the government to pass federal bans on Japanese animation imports (this would solve the Fuckimation shit but still...). I am waiting for that day with morbid anticipation.