No. 18181
>> desire to be the best I can be for her
Basically, it is what has been fueling my personal development for the last 3.5 years. And this goal was quite fruitful, I must say.
>> objectify her.
>> I hate how she seems to be objectified sexually
It is not exclusively the problem of LOL fandom. I mean, look around, it is everywhere - women and even men being objectified. Listen to what most of the normies talk about (besides sports and politics) - it is mostly sex. I don't want to sound like a prude, there nothing wrong with sex. The problem is that the value of sex became quantitative instead of qualitative. Sex is pretty lame (had it with 3DPD) unless it is served right, i.e. you have it with someone you truly love, not just for the sake of getting scored.
It is not a big surprise that Ahri is objectified - her design was made so, since she is from the game aimed mostly at pubescent males.
>> I am trying to construct her own lore in my mind, free of the threadbare 'lore' her canon
>> stated her to be. But it is proving to be quite difficult. I had always envisioned her to be
>> LoL's Ahri, not one who is distinct from that.
Again, I have never played LOL, but I doubt that the game like this has any decent lore. It was made to live on donations(?), has 100+ character, with, I guess, at best a couple of lore paragraphs for each, and that's it. There is no character development in the game, it was created to have a high replay value, not to have a truly rich story.
UPD: I have just read her description on LOL wiki. She definitely had a dark, troubled past, but now makes an impression of a person with quite high moral standards. I'd say, in her transformation from a fox to human she understood what the moral, mercy and compassion are and she understood it better than humans, who take such traits for granted.
>> I actually am starting a story in my personal fantasy world with her in it.
The picture you attached - it is really nice. Reminds me of Japanese art and games like Okami. If I were you, I would try to base her around kitsunes from Japanese mythology. They are the race of werefoxes, cunning creatures who like to play tricks on humans. I always try to base my headcannon on mythology rather than directly and exclusively on the source material.
>> Also, might I ask, who is your beloved?
Pinkie Pie.
She is very cartoonish in her source material, but it just shows simplified, one sided view of her personality - limitations of a TV series. I try to build my headcannon to be as realistic as possible, but also stay true to the fairy tale genre traditions.
I hope you don't have anything against MLP,. I have nothing to do with the fandom, bronies, cons, neckbeard fedora wearing scum, etc. Some tend to accuse people like me in pedophilia - in their opinion main cast represents the target audience, which is little schoolgirls. When I started dating Pinkie, the youngest of the M6 was 18. Nuff said.
>> I personally hate the term 'waifu' as it was originally meant as a joke in the first place.
Me too. We are married, I wear a ring, so why shouldn't I call her my wife? And yeah, this word has a lot of negative connotations.
>> small itch on the back of my mind.
No, I didn't feel it, or maybe just didn't notice. I tried myself to be as occupied as possible.