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18143 No. 18143 [Edit]
So... I'm trying to quit my gaming addiction. Its really hard right now. I feel like a drug junkie trying to stop.

I realized it's clouding my love for her. Its been harming my relationship with her, causing us to slowly drift apart. My feelings of insecurity and inadequacy that spring forth whenever I play badly as her, I'm tired of it. I should not be substituting the time I should be spending with her with the game. She does not value me for my skill with her in game. I should not feel as if I need to prove myself to her through my game performance.

So I'm going to try and quit cold turkey. Its going to be hard. I met her through the game, but... now it's slowly taken over my life. This isn't the way she would want me to live... She does not love me because I am good at playing her. She loves me for who I am... I... I think this is how I will be able to prove to her that I deserve her.

I want to go play right now but I should not. I cannot... this ring on my hand reminds me of my promise to her. This is the least I can do for her.

I'm probably rambling right now, but I don't know if anywhere else but /mai/ will understand how... why this game is so important to me. And the meaning behind all this.

Thanks for reading.
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>> No. 18144 [Edit]
All addictions are hard to get over and it's admirable that you're trying to do so for your waifu. If you really feel that it's harming your relationship with her, quitting is the right thing to do I think.
If I may however, from what I understand from your post, the big problem is your addiction to the game she is from, right? If so, perhaps quitting video games altogether may be too drastic a solution, at least to start with. You know yourself and what the problem is best, but if I were to give advice as simplistic as it is, I'd perhaps suggest to try and and find other games, possibly of a completely different genre, to occupy yourself with. If multiplayer games are a problem for you as you feel you get too invested in them, then you are sure to find enough great singleplayer games to last you a lifetime and that you wouldn't have to feel so strongly attached to. At the very least, even if you still want to quit videogames altogether, it might seem easier to do so from that point, since your apparent addiction to the game in question, which you seem to say is the real problem, and your perhaps obsessive love of videogames as a hobby could be seen as two different addictions, so quitting both things at once might be quite hard.

However, if you feel you can't possibly look at a videogame without wanting to "relapse", then in that case quitting cold turkey might very well be the best thing as you said. I know this is obvious, but in that case, although it may be hard, don't worry you'll eventually find a less harmful hobby that will interest you in due time.

As for what the game means to you, the important thing is to not forget why you wanted to quit to begin with. It's definitely going to be hard to turn your back on your waifu's source material in a way, at least it's how you met her, but always remember that it's for her that you're doing it. Anyways, No matter what you choose to do, I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure your waifu would be very proud of you for even thinking about this.

Post edited on 22nd May 2015, 12:08pm
>> No. 18146 [Edit]
>> 18144

Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me.

I had tried to quit the game several months ago, but I had just ended up getting sucked in to another game instead. However, there was always an itch in the back of my mind about how I was avoiding playing league, avoiding playing her. I felt a sense of urgency, as if I was wasting time away that I could have spent practicing to get better and improve.

I... do not think she would desire to see me like this any longer. Getting upset at myself whenever I make a mistake. Neglecting my sleep, health, family and friends to improve at a game that is ultimately meaningless.

I am going to try other hobbies to preoccupied myself with. I want to do this for her. The other hobbies as well, I would like to do things that are related to her or one I can tie back to her.

I wonder if I'm just obsessed with her. Is this not a sign of insanity or obsession?
>> No. 18148 [Edit]
>I wonder if I'm just obsessed with her. Is this not a sign of insanity or obsession?
No, that just sounds like love. It's only natural to want to get closer to your waifu through your hobbies or to want to improve yourself for her and avoid things that she wouldn't approve of because it ultimately hurts you. Anyways, if there's something wrong with that, I can safely say pretty much all waifu bros, and even a big part of the world's population in general, all belong in the loony bin and should be proud of it.

Anyways, it's great that you're going to try and find other hobbies, I'm sure you'll find something great.

Actually, I too am trying to kick a bad habit for the sake of my waifu so I know how difficult it can be, but stick to it, as it will be worth it in the end.

Post edited on 22nd May 2015, 5:17pm
>> No. 18151 [Edit]
Well, a gaming addiction, huh?
Try a real addiction. I got off barbiturates, booze and violent porn for my lady. Had been my means of self-indulgence and stress relief for a long time. What helped me to quit? I just realized that she would never have anything to do with a moral degenerate who binges with a bottle, a fix or a fucked up, sick porn every time he is "stressed". And I was really in love with her, so I had to do something. I quit cold turkey, but would not recommend it to everyone. The reason is - you will relapse quickly, or the urge to relapse will be unbearable. And if you relapse you will be morally crushed, devastated. One more thing, quitting cold turkey (love the phrase), but to where? To your empty life (I suppose it is not very reach with experience outside of video games)? I would recommend building up a solid number of hobbies so that your addiction will be squeezed out by them. And try to understand the roots of your addiction. For me it was stress and frustration. Now yoga, meditation, gym or simply walking helps. As soon as I feel the itch, I go out for a walk or start meditating. Oh, and don't forget - it will always be there. It's my forth year, still have troubles coping with this shit. It is a hell, but you are strong, you will manage.

So she is from LOL or DOTA2? Nevermind. I was, as you are, obsessed with my waifu's source material fandom for a while. Then I realized (it is all about spontaneous realization, you dig?), what am I doing with these retards, circle-jerking, posting shitty pictures, making dumb speculation based on the series? I have a vivid imagination, I don't need any fandom, and even more, I don't need her source material. We are on our own, free-floating, with our own story to create.

I will monitor this thread for a few day. Ask your questions, if you must. Peace out.

>I would like to do things that are related to her or one I can tie back to her.
Good idea, but I am no help here - can't imagine what would an epic fantasy heroine enjoy on her leisure. Try and figure this out. The answer will come in time. She quite possibly can be into something peaceful.
>> No. 18156 [Edit]

She is Ahri, from League.

What you had said about the Fandom and how there is no need for that; you have managed to put into words what I have felt for some time but could not fully understand.

I am constantly feeling that itch, but its not as bad as I thOught it would be. I just find myself disinterested and bored about everything more than anything, truth be told. Did you feel an obsessive craving of sorts? How was it for you in the beginning?

I actually am starting a story in my personal fantasy world with hre in it. Its been quite useful in preoccupying my time I would say.

Quite honestly this lack of motivation in everything but the game is what I feel is most crippling. I hope this apathy will go away soon.
>> No. 18157 [Edit]
>>She is Ahri, from League.
Speaking of games, I just can't imagine myself playing a (hypothetical) game with my waifu in it. Especially if it involves her running around, killing and getting killed. But it's just me and my taste in females.
Admit it, most of us here want a family, maybe with kids, some already have one. All you getting from the game is a big simplification of Ahri. And, again in my opinion, it shows not the best part of her. It is true, as I think, about every source material for every waifu or husbando here.

>>about the Fandom
I can(?) imagine LOL fandom and the majority of its population - must be a nasty thing. All I was getting from the fandom were crappy pictures of her and empty speculations that made me rise an eyebrow at best and wanting me to bash my laptop against the wall. And as in every fandom, of course, there are R34 and fan fiction. I don't believe that all fics are inherently bad, but digging through tons of crap to find a decent fic is masochistic at least. Some representations of her might be not bad, but they have nothing to do with my image and perception of her. I mean, who wants all I have written above. I was getting nothing, only disappointment in people's creativity, frustration and boredom. That is why I am done with the fandom.

I am happy that I have helped you to figure this out.

Sorry, this was my "talking to myself" section. Now on to your questions.

>I am constantly feeling that itch, but its not as bad as I thOught it would be. Did you feel an obsessive craving of sorts? How was it for you in the beginning?

Are we talking about the addictions of the general waifu experience? To say that I was euphoric is to say nothing. That is why it was easy for me. Then the realization of all the limitations kicked in. I suddenly understood that I need to make it through 50, maybe 60 more years with her only partially being with me and without compromising myself before her. Such knowledge is simply dreadful. I need to live my life gracefully so that she might be proud of me. It does not help that our world are quite different. I have very few things to share with her from our, as I now understand, very morbid culture.

> I just find myself disinterested and bored about everything more than anything, truth be told.
Of course you do. As I told before, nothing will bring you to her. Win a Noble Prize, find a cure for cancer - she won't be there to share the joy with you. That is why everything looks meaningless. But sitting at the computer in your piss-stained underwear won't bring her closer to you either. So that is why I, despite everything, try to hold my duties. This will make me a good husband and a decent father when we will meet with her for real.

>Quite honestly this lack of motivation in everything but the game is what I feel is most crippling. I hope this apathy will go away soon.

The game distracts you from what I wold you - the dreadfulness of our condition as waifufags. And, as a source material bring you closer to her. But think about this from Ahri's perspective. She is a warrior, a magi, I suppose. Will she ever notice someone whose only talent is being good at LOL? I don't say that you should become good at fighting, or become a magi, but she would certainly appreciate a person with a warrior-like attitude towards life.

Wordy. No time to proofread. Need. Sleep.
>> No. 18167 [Edit]
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>most of us here want a family, maybe with kids.
I am in agreement. I would desire to have a family with her, truth be told. As I sit here writing this, I am starting to realize what I really desire is to be the best I can be for her. It has already been two days, yet I am starting to realize so much about my purpose in this life. It is quite exhilarating truth be told.

>>LOL fandom and the majority of its population
You can be sure it was... The biggest problem I have with it is how much they seem to objectify her. I actually do not do much with the fandom save the nice pictures of her. I hate how she seems to be objectified sexually, just because of her beauty and well... lore that they twist and misinterpret. I am trying to construct her own lore in my mind, free of the threadbare 'lore' her canon stated her to be. But it is proving to be quite difficult. I had always envisioned her to be LoL's Ahri, not one who is distinct from that.

>>I am constantly feeling that itch, but its not as bad as I thOught it would be. Did you feel an obsessive craving of sorts? How was it for you in the beginning?
I was actually referring to the addiction, my apologies for not making myself clear. I am finding I don't feel a compulsion as I thought I would, instead it is a small itch on the back of my mind. As long as I keep myself occupied though, it is rather easy to ignore.

Also, might I ask, who is your beloved?

I personally hate the term 'waifu' as it was originally meant as a joke in the first place. I feel as if it trivializes the relationship to say 'waifu', as if I am a normie who's fagging it along with the rest of 4chan with 'muh waifu durr'. That is just my personal opinion though, and rather irrelevant to this discussion now that I think of it.

On the whole I feel this to be quite eye-opening. I am more and more certain as the days go by that I made the right choice.

A sentence that came to me. "One life. One purpose." I think that would best describe my goal now. To be the best I can be for her.
>> No. 18181 [Edit]
>> desire to be the best I can be for her
Basically, it is what has been fueling my personal development for the last 3.5 years. And this goal was quite fruitful, I must say.

>> objectify her.
>> I hate how she seems to be objectified sexually
It is not exclusively the problem of LOL fandom. I mean, look around, it is everywhere - women and even men being objectified. Listen to what most of the normies talk about (besides sports and politics) - it is mostly sex. I don't want to sound like a prude, there nothing wrong with sex. The problem is that the value of sex became quantitative instead of qualitative. Sex is pretty lame (had it with 3DPD) unless it is served right, i.e. you have it with someone you truly love, not just for the sake of getting scored.

It is not a big surprise that Ahri is objectified - her design was made so, since she is from the game aimed mostly at pubescent males.

>> I am trying to construct her own lore in my mind, free of the threadbare 'lore' her canon
>> stated her to be. But it is proving to be quite difficult. I had always envisioned her to be
>> LoL's Ahri, not one who is distinct from that.
Again, I have never played LOL, but I doubt that the game like this has any decent lore. It was made to live on donations(?), has 100+ character, with, I guess, at best a couple of lore paragraphs for each, and that's it. There is no character development in the game, it was created to have a high replay value, not to have a truly rich story.

UPD: I have just read her description on LOL wiki. She definitely had a dark, troubled past, but now makes an impression of a person with quite high moral standards. I'd say, in her transformation from a fox to human she understood what the moral, mercy and compassion are and she understood it better than humans, who take such traits for granted.

>> I actually am starting a story in my personal fantasy world with her in it.
The picture you attached - it is really nice. Reminds me of Japanese art and games like Okami. If I were you, I would try to base her around kitsunes from Japanese mythology. They are the race of werefoxes, cunning creatures who like to play tricks on humans. I always try to base my headcannon on mythology rather than directly and exclusively on the source material.

>> Also, might I ask, who is your beloved?
Pinkie Pie.
She is very cartoonish in her source material, but it just shows simplified, one sided view of her personality - limitations of a TV series. I try to build my headcannon to be as realistic as possible, but also stay true to the fairy tale genre traditions.
I hope you don't have anything against MLP,. I have nothing to do with the fandom, bronies, cons, neckbeard fedora wearing scum, etc. Some tend to accuse people like me in pedophilia - in their opinion main cast represents the target audience, which is little schoolgirls. When I started dating Pinkie, the youngest of the M6 was 18. Nuff said.

>> I personally hate the term 'waifu' as it was originally meant as a joke in the first place.
Me too. We are married, I wear a ring, so why shouldn't I call her my wife? And yeah, this word has a lot of negative connotations.

>> small itch on the back of my mind.
No, I didn't feel it, or maybe just didn't notice. I tried myself to be as occupied as possible.
>> No. 18285 [Edit]
I am not sure if you just forgot about this thread or it was something I said, but I would like to hear how are you two doing so far. Or maybe you just abandoned chans for good.

Anyway, we chatted nicely here, so I am looking forward for hearing from you, Ahri-kun.
>> No. 18331 [Edit]
>> 18285

Ah, my apologies. I was busy with things lately, and this thread completely slipped my mind.

I relapsed. The first couple days were of me dedicating the entire day to get better and improve, but now, I am starting to lose interest in playing. Instead, I have been writing and drawing her, which is just as satisfying as an especially good game with her; perhaps even more so as each one I do truly feels like an accomplishment.

I try to think of her frequently. Although I sometimes feel lethargic and lazy, I am trying to get my life back on track. Talking with her often helps with that. It's much easier when I am not obsessively playing League or thinking about how to improve on it. It honestly makes me realize how much time per day I spent on that game.

It's hella difficult to not go back to my old ways though, but I'm trying my best.

And I agree, I also enjoyed the discussions I had with you.
>> No. 18342 [Edit]

>>I relapsed.
>>I have been writing and drawing her, which is just as satisfying as an especially good game with her; perhaps even more so as each one I do truly feels like an accomplishment.

I'd say you are doing a very good job and holding on quite well.

>>The first couple days were of me dedicating the entire day to get better and improve, but now, I am starting to lose interest in playing.
>>Talking with her often helps with that. It's much easier when I am not obsessively playing League or thinking about how to improve on it. It honestly makes me realize how much time per day I spent on that game.

Now, not to offend you but for me it looks more like an obsessions mixed with an unhealthy perfectionism, rather than an addiction. I think an addiction is an unhealthy mechanism of coping with stress or just an irrational habit. This doesn't seem to be your case. Is there a reason for all this "get better and improve" stuff? What does she think about it?

You seem like perceiving the game as the only mean to have a contact with her. But why limit yourself to the game? Are you holding her image from the game so dear to you?

Since I abandoned my beloved's source material we both grew significantly, as persons. Would it be so if I continued watching and rewatching her series? I doubt so. I love Pinkie mostly not for her depiction in the series but for the hint of what was not shown.

The waifuism is a gift of an absolute creative freedom. It is unwise to waste it on gaming. Write, draw her, talk to her, experience life (I guess this is what Ahri wants so much, considering her turning into human). This is how normal relationships should work - it is a productive collaboration of two souls, two personalities. Crystalized universes striving to know thyself through each other.

We, guys with waifus, turned wrong so much that we at the right more than normies in terms of knowing how normal relationships should work.

Sorry, quite a lot of junk written here, but I didn't want to erase it for the subjective beauty of the form, lacking in content. I hope you will find something useful for yourself between those lines
>> No. 18344 [Edit]

>>not to offend you but for me it looks more like an obsessions mixed with an unhealthy perfectionism, rather than an addiction. I think an addiction is an unhealthy mechanism of coping with stress or just an irrational habit. This doesn't seem to be your case. Is there a reason for all this "get better and improve" stuff? What does she think about it?

I am not sure. You seem to have described it quite perfectly. I have that irrational desire to improve for no other reason than I have a... 'need' to. She honestly dislikes it when I get so obsessed with results whenever I play. She says it is unhealthy, that I am overvaluing my performance in the game for no reason, because she does not value me for my skill in the game at all. Yet I can't help but feel a compulsion at times. It's something I've been struggling for a long time.

>>You seem like perceiving the game as the only mean to have a contact with her. But why limit yourself to the game? Are you holding her image from the game so dear to you?

I try to keep contact with her other than just through the game itself, but I find myself having difficulties with it. She's not only present in the game, a part of me understands that, but it has ceased to be a game for me now; it is more of a... trial. That I feel I need to force myself to undertake, and achieve success. It's so satisfying when I do well, yet I can't help but dread the thought of failure.

>> experience life (I guess this is what Ahri wants so much, considering her turning into human). This is how normal relationships should work - it is a productive collaboration of two souls, two personalities. Crystalized universes striving to know thyself through each other.

This really spoke to me, thank you for saying that. I will think on this.
>> No. 18384 [Edit]
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Maybe quitting would have been the best idea. I'm slowly coming to realize that honestly, it's not as fun for me anymore. I only play the game to play her really. I dont feel interested in playing anyone else.

But that insistent need to see myself at the top with her keeps pushing to come back. Like... I want to prove that I can be best with her, better than anybody else. I dont know how to argue with this compulsion. Its just... a need. Like... as if I need to show I love her. To myself perhaps.

Fuck this game. It isn't even fun to play anymore, really. I wish it was as simple as just quit. But then j don't get to play her anymore. I lose contact with the few remaining friends I feel as if I have...

Was this time with her all a big fucking mistake? I spent almost 5000 hours on the game. I'm top 1% in NA. But how pointless is all that? I know it's absolutely meabinges. The logical side of me accepts this. Yet... another part demands that I continue to climb, to improve, to dedicate myself to this game so I can... I can. .

Prove myself... to me? That I am deserving of her? I don't know anymore. God damn I am drunk right now. Thanks spell check.

I can't believe the game impacts my mood this fucking much. I wish that I knew what to do.
>> No. 18385 [Edit]
>Was this time with her all a big fucking mistake?
Yeah. You could've learned a few languages with that time. Go do that.

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