No. 18272
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He isnt wrong though. I visit it fairly often to be honest, and Im tired of reading the word "Waifu" so often there. Everything is a Waifu there, custom made characters without any soul, random female NPCs, maincharacters, everything is a Waifu there. Its like there is a wordfilter there replacing "random girl I dont give a fuck about" with "Waifu". Its really common over there to read shit like "what game has the best waifus?" or "more waifus coming soon". Even worse is the fact that it seems waifus are even leaking over to normies now. I even saw the word waifu in a fucking amazon review. It was completly wrong used though and probably intended as a joke. (It was a comment about a Marth Amiibo with the title "mah waifu").
Anyway, I think most people really dont mean it in a bad way, but for someone who really has a Waifu and really loves her its annoying to see that this whole "lifestyle" is getting degraded to a joke or meme. Especially shit like pic related makes me angry.