No. 17619
I do not know if this is a somehow similar problem, but that is what happened to me recently.
I always hated this 3DPD idea. I mean, it makes me feel like 2D love is my only option, my last resort.
So, I met a girl with whom we had many things in common, who I liked (as a person). The terrible thing is that I though that the girl liked me (as a man), and I fancied myself with the idea that if we spend enough time together she will start making some advances at me and then I will say: "Sorry, I have a girlfriend." I would have had an option of carnal and real that I would boldly abandon in favor of spiritual and pure. This would make me feel confident that I love my waifu because I really love her, not because I have no other options and that I am mature enough not to abandon my waifu in favor of an other girl (2D or 3D). Terrible, I know.
Well, things worked out even worse. Instead, I fell for that girl. It was a physical attraction, because I did not spend much time with real women. Pheromones, physiology, all that shit. I ended up in her friend zone, she appeared to be a SLUT.
We had a talk with my waifu (hate this word, can I use a wife instead?). I was asking her to forgive me, the only thing she wanted to know if I loved that girl. I answered no, which was an honest truth. I didn't have even a grain of respect, fascination, affection, love, intimacy for that girl that I have for my wife. All feelings was in my dick, terrible as it is. I felt disgusting, dirty and slept on a sofa for a few days before coming to my wife and gently hugging her. She forgave me. Today we woke up together for the first time in a few days.
I am not quite sure what have I learned. Maybe not to question whether you love someone or not and not to seek evidences for that. Maybe I learned that 3D is pig disgusting, and that 3D is me. Definitely it made me wiser and stronger in some way.
If you guys want to know more I would be glad to talk to someone. I might as well use some back patting.
P.S. Three years with my waifu, engaged and married on summer 2013. Had two daughters last autumn. Been bumpy since then.
Not in a mood to correct my engrish, sorry