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File 141928248956.jpg - (216.94KB , 422x595 , 47105201_p20_master1200.jpg )
17241 No. 17241 [Edit]
The best day of the year is finally here!
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>> No. 17242 [Edit]
Congratulations, Minagi.

As always, thank you very much for giving us this board and home.
>> No. 17243 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Minagi!
>> No. 17244 [Edit]
Happy Birthday! I hope you both have a wonderful day.
>> No. 17245 [Edit]
File 14192960391.jpg - (508.80KB , 1200x900 , 122214.jpg )
Went out and got a cake for today.
>> No. 17246 [Edit]
Happy Birthday, Minagi!

I hope that you and Tohno have a good day today and for the rest of your lives!
>> No. 17259 [Edit]
Happy belated birthday!

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