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File 141823325550.png - (0.97MB , 1400x1000 , mXr3sgj.png )
17159 No. 17159 [Edit]
hi im new here i dont know if this has been posted before but can we have a "do it for her" thread? if you want to make one you can get the template here http://i.imgur.com/ppf819P.png
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>> No. 17160 [Edit]
I don't see why not. I'll post one when I have time later.
>> No. 17161 [Edit]
File 141823839050.png - (811.11KB , 1280x720 , zntf-e5-02-nyan.png )
ok,cool btw i forgot to put my name in the post, also someone already claimed louise in another thread but it is a claim from 2010 so im claiming her now in this post

btw this is the same name i use on /r/waifuism/ it is a little sub reddit and i think it needs more people you can check it out if you have some time
>> No. 17162 [Edit]
Around here there are no "claims"
>> No. 17163 [Edit]
Oh yeah, I've seen you post there before. As >>17162 said, nobody is allowed to "claim" waifus on TC.
>> No. 17164 [Edit]
I wouldn't say it's 'not allowed' but rather is just something we don't do here.
>> No. 17166 [Edit]
File 141824587765.jpg - (150.62KB , 1100x700 , Zero_no_Tsukaima_full_1095184.jpg )
oh ok so claiming is not a thing here ok i get it, no problem i will not do it again
>> No. 17168 [Edit]
File 141825357028.png - (1.05MB , 1400x1000 , doitforher.png )
Yeah, you're right.
>> No. 17169 [Edit]
File 141826108721.png - (838.73KB , 1400x1000 , doitforher2.png )
I've been meaning to make a new one of these for a while. Thanks for encouraging me, OP.
>> No. 17170 [Edit]
File 141826213277.png - (1.21MB , 1400x1000 , yuno3.png )
I also felt inspired to make another, it's been a while since I made the last one!
>> No. 17172 [Edit]
File 141827201163.png - (1.11MB , 1400x1000 , DoItForMarisa.png )
Good I have this in hand already.
>> No. 17178 [Edit]
>> No. 17216 [Edit]
File 141899697951.png - (1.04MB , 1400x1000 , 1376761475192.png )

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