No. 16427
Well that's a deal maker for me right there, I'll tell you what. Had it been "the rest of your life in paradise[...]" then I would definitely shoot this offer down, but anything that provides immortality is an offer I simply cannot refuse.
I'm also a narcissist, so my empathy is vague at best and psychopathic at its worst.
I could do literally anything I wanted if I had infinite time. Learn every fucking language conceived, play every video game, watch every movie, listen to every album.
"b-but you'd get bored after a million years"
Not even close, memory capacities do have a limit somewhere, I could replay those games and movies again 50 years later or so and it'd be a completely new experience.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that my waifu would be there with me. I could spawn multiple generations of children and experience the miracle of life over and over again, each child being different from the last and bringing forth new enjoyments and sharing his outlook on life with me.
I would truly feel sorry for anyone who would turn this offer down.
Post edited on 13th Aug 2014, 2:38am