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16228 No. 16228 [Edit]
It's our five year anniversary today. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed already, but I feel very fortunate that I was able to spend the last half of a decade with her. I love you, Patchouli.
>> No. 16231 [Edit]
Happy belated anniversary! Five years is a lot of love and dedication, which is pretty great.
>> No. 16232 [Edit]
Happy anniversary. I wish you two much love for the future.
>> No. 16233 [Edit]
That's fantastic to read! All the best for the future. Happy anniversary.
>> No. 16236 [Edit]
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary; May you two last in the many, many more years to come.
>> No. 16237 [Edit]
Happy anniversary.
>> No. 16253 [Edit]
Happy anniversary. Wish you success on you and your beloved.

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