No. 16263
I've read some tutorials and advices how to make a tulpa before and I have to say it got me confused even more.I mean most of the advices are like "Imagine yourself and your tulpa having fun in your "wonderland"","talk to your tulpa through your mind voice during the day","believe that your getting answers from your tulpa and that you're talking to your tulpa".Isn't that similar to imagining spending time with your waifu?Isn't the difference just in what side you view it from?I mean if you don't believe in the possibility of talking to your waifu in some form(even though it's "just" an imagination),of course you'd get lost in the problem of not getting responses from her,from a conciousness(if I use the tulpa term) that could be her.Yet because there are legitimate tutorials,forums and bunch of people doing it you believe in the tulpa stuff,so even though according what I'd read the steps for making a tulpa are basically making yourself believe that the responses are coming from your tulpa and that it really is your tulpa,it would suddenly make it more of your waifu than the imagination,if I understand it correctly?As >>16210 mentioned,if you practice the imagination for a long time you can even start feeling that her responses are more legite,just as what you're trying to achieve with a tulpa.And even if you know that the answers were generated by your subconscious even if a tulpa has its own consciousness,she still shares the subconsiousness with you,doesn't she,so her answers should be generated somewhere there as well.
I know your point is bringing your waifu to reality,that being called an imposition in the tulpa terms,right?According to what I've read only a few of the tulpamancers have successfully managed that part.Until you get to this point I don't believe it's more than a mere imagination(and even so some of the imposition guides are like "start with imagining your tulpa walking behind/beside you",just like a lot of people would imagine their waifu)But even though I don't believe most of the people claiming to have made a tulpa have really done something that special,I still think you should give it a try.Even if you weren't successful with imposing,it seems like a good way of spending time with your waifu since you seem pretty serious about it.I'd for one even would be interested in your progress since I'm curious about the tulpa stuff and also how much is it really different to imagination.
Post edited on 4th Aug 2014, 11:29am