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16119 No. 16119 [Edit]
With robotics and Virtual Reality paving new realistic virtual experiences, new things will be available in the future. What are your thoughts on these particular things:

1) Virtual reality games using goggles.(Particularly something called Occulus Rift) These will make a realistic virtual space. Thus, in the future we will be able to have virtual time with our waifu's. Sadly, many will use this for virtual hentai related things. Many of which will include various people's waifus.

2)More specifically, virtual sex will become a thing using virtual reality. They've already created a virtual kissing module that allows couples who live far away to make out. This can be done with fiction characters and Artificial intelligence of course. Would you have sex with your waifu this way if you think she was okay with it? How do you feel that anyone would be bale to basically do this?

3)Realistic human-looking robots are being made. One day robots that can act as a relationship partner can be made. But Also, many people will again mostly use these robots for sexual gratification. Would you use one of these? How do you feel about them?

Also enjoy this cute picture of my waifu Shana.
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>> No. 16120 [Edit]
>3)Realistic human-looking robots are being made. One day robots that can act as a relationship partner can be made. But Also, many people will again mostly use these robots for sexual gratification. Would you use one of these? How do you feel about them?

I wouldn't use one for anything becuase I can't, I'm not stupidly rich. It costs more than an average house just to rent Honda's glorified toy. Even if the cost gets cut by half in the next decade, something that isn't shit will still cost millions. Everyone dreams of having a robot girlfriend but the reality is few could afford the luxury. simple fact is the androids being developed will be sold to large business and government branches for professional use. Most will become replacements for various types of employes, or used for search and rescue operations where humans can't go. It's far more likely one will end up as some novelty tour guide rather than your personal sex toy. You really shouldn't get your hopes up unless you have an extra ten million dollars laying around.
>> No. 16121 [Edit]
Really all they are are expensive substitutes. They're as much as our beloveds as dakis and figures are.

As for VR, it's another substitute when I could easily spend actual time with my husbando without some over-priced rubbish on my face with some company butting its way into it.

>Would you have sex with your waifu this way if you think she was okay with it?
If anything it's something getting in the way of sexual intimacy.

Also as >>16120 it's pointless to think about since it'll never happen.

>These will make a realistic virtual adspace.
Fixed that for you.
>> No. 16122 [Edit]
I agree with >>16121
I'm looking forward to play video games such as flight simulators with VR in the future, but that's probably the only thing they will ever be good for. (other than the military stuff they're already doing of course)
Shit just gets in the way and an AI with poor 3D graphics is just retarded and can't possible come close to what we already have, our imagination.
I believe the technology is very interesting but the people who say you can make a 'waifu simulator' with it are probably the ones who don't have a waifu themselves and don't know what it's really like.

As for robots, same fucking thing just physically instead of virtually with the same issues such as poor AI and looks but combined with a very high price and technology that doesn't exist yet.
>> No. 16125 [Edit]
Something simple like a kissing simulator may be nice at first, but it definitely all sounds better in theory. As everyone else said, it would also be ridiculously expensive. The initial novelty wouldn't be worth the money.
>> No. 16131 [Edit]
>Shit just gets in the way and an AI with poor 3D graphics is just retarded and can't possible come close to what we already have, our imagination.

This. I doubt that VR would be able to accurately portray mai waifu in the way that I view her. If it doesn't do it perfectly then I would only view the simulation as a bad copy, as opposed to actually her.
>> No. 16133 [Edit]
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I want something that's AI-complete. People need to get to that first if they want a successful simulator. Either that or none at all, that's how demanding I am with the concept.

But as for me now, I just can't wait to play war games as if I was into the game, that's all.
>> No. 16140 [Edit]
I would love to have a virtual reality simulation with her. It doesn't need to have fancy AI or anything, I just want to have a simulation where I can do things like sleep next to her, eat meals with her, go on walks, etc. I can fill in the details like conversations with my imagination so the VR would be purely visual. My imagination's pretty good but I am awful at imagining visuals so this would be perfect for me.

I wouldn't use or care about a virtual sex module. If someone else wants to, go ahead, but I don't care about that kind of stuff.

For robots, no thanks. A robot wouldn't bring anything to the table for me that VR plus a dakimakura can't.
>> No. 16141 [Edit]
How would you toggle her expressions/poses to match what you're filling in? Buttons? Not sure if virtual reality would ever get strong to link your mind to it -- if that ever happens I suppose she can even have a voice and feel like something when you fill in the blanks...
>> No. 16142 [Edit]
Buttons would work for me. Or even just a gentle smiling expression, that would be pretty much all I want.
>> No. 16154 [Edit]
I think VR is a great thing, and I also think that the concept of using VR to communicate with my waifu is also a great thing. On the surface anyway, the thing that will most likely keep me away from VR of my waifu is her voice. For me to be truly immersed in a VR, I would have her exact voice interacting with me. Maybe voice synthesis programs could improve in the future, but I'll have to wait and see.
I have no idea if VR sex will be immersive enough for me to enjoy it. I would guess that it would be something enjoyable but would it be more enjoyable then just my imagination and my hand? VR kissing is something I could easily get into though.
Waifu robots still have a long way to go before they can be even considered good enough for waifu sex, they might be able to escape the uncanney valley someday. Hopefully that day is in the near future because robots are neat.

Also to the people who are saying that VR is/will be to expensive to be of use to most of us, technologies like this (if they popular enough) go down in price significantly. If VR does get adapted enough, it would still take it a couple of years for it to get cheap enough but it most likely would.
>> No. 16168 [Edit]
I think the biggest obstacle to having a waifu experience is the lack of AI. Even if we have a realistic virtual world simulated using FaceRift or Morpheus the NPC's in that world would not behave like anime characters. At least for quite some time.
>> No. 16173 [Edit]
You've hit the nail on the head. Strong AI is very, very hard to develop and we're unlikely to see it within a few decades.

Besides, I don't think I could ever get fully immersed in a virtual world, unless there could be a way to stay there, with her forever and forget the fact that the "real" reality exists/
>> No. 16182 [Edit]
Our current "VR" is just like playing a videogame but with the screen strapped on your head. This thing is getting way too overhyped in my opinion.

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