No. 15618
I'm the one who created that thread. I understand how you feel completely and I was surprised that so many posters in there disagreed with my views completely.
This is how I imagine a confrontation with my waifu going.
I'd first attempt to casually approach her. The chances of this succeeding are probably dangerously close to 0%, but I might as well try. Once that inevitably fails, I'd then shamelessly beg her to make me her eternal slave to do with as she pleases and possibly show her my collection of shit dedicated to her if I think it has a chance of benefiting me at the time. Who knows, with as egotistical as she is, maybe, just maybe my undying obsessive love for her would impress her slightly. But probably not.
I'd then shoot myself in the face without hesitation if she rejects me.
...Or maybe stalk her for the rest of my life. It's easy for one to say that they'd pull the trigger in a hypothetical scenario but maybe I wouldn't go through with it. I'd follow her to the end of the earth and photograph her every movement. That could actually be pretty great in its own right. I wouldn't be good at talking to her anyway so maybe loving her from afar as always would be for the best.
Post edited on 26th May 2014, 12:09am