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15536 No. 15536 [Edit]
I don't understand, a majority of people, from what I've seen, imagine themselves in a perfect relationship with their waifu and talk as though their waifu would love them back unconditionally. This, to me, seems extremely unrealistic and silly. Do you really believe you have a chance with her? Or is it simply more convenient for you to imagine yourself in a relationship with her rather than introducing a surrogate and shipping them together? Or maybe you just don't even care what her opinion of you would be since she's not real and has no say in things?

Has your waifu maybe made you more self conscious about yourself?
Do you strive to be desirable to her?
Please explain your thoughts on this subject, I'm interested to see.

As for myself, I ship my waifu with another character because it makes me feel sick whenever I imagine myself touching her or trying to talk to her. I'm not even worthy of cleaning her shit.

There are of course exceptions to this, for example there was once a guy on another board whose husbando was Meow from Space Dandy. For those unaware, he's basically a retard who is physically and emotionally abused on a regular basis in a toxic relationship with someone almost as stupid as him and he sticks around anyway for no real reason. It'd be easy, even for the most autistic and ugly of NEETs, to win a character like him over. And I really respect those who go for characters that are actually achievable for them, rather than something like a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol.
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>> No. 15538 [Edit]
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I feel this topic has been covered in different threads before.

I always believe there's a chance for people to get better or worse or for their tastes to mature. I wouldn't really know how to get her interests to expand out of what she currently has, but I always try to keep myself flexible and thinking. For another thing, I'm not sure the MadoHomu ship is even that reliable considering how Urobuchi or SHAFT might expand the story post-Rebellion.

I felt bad for a really long time but I guess at one point I realized feeling bad only makes things worse. I've always thought it was best to ignore unnecessary and arbitrary categories and try to have a human-to-human interaction, but that's also been hard for me.

In any case, I feel a good deal of us would have a chance if they were transferred to an anime world, for there are opportunities for special magic and plot armor in there that aren't found in this world. But for me, I guess I lost an ideal fantasy image of myself quite a while ago and I'm not sure I'd even pursue that given the chance.

How are you not worthy of cleaning her shit? Would the school janitor or the sewage workers be more worthy?
>> No. 15539 [Edit]
I was worried it might have been, I'm real new. I wanted to create it anyway because I've been giving the subject a whole lot of thought as of late (and exercising extensively because of it).
My waifu is not actually Yuno-chan, I should have mentioned in the OP that the picture was irrelevant. Mine is actually a literal Goddess, which is real ironic if you ask me, considering the fact that I am 200 pounds and have zero education or talents.
I feel stupid for having never considered the higher chance of a successful relationship developing in the 2D world. That's a really good way of looking at things.
>> No. 15540 [Edit]
That's the great thing about having a waifu, though. Your relationship can be as unrealistic and idealized as you want, it does not necessarily have to be grounded in reality or her established story.
I know there's no way I would realistically have a chance with her. That probably applies to all of us. That doesn't stop me from imagining her being in a perfect conflict-free relationship with me, why? Because imagining her being happy makes me happy. And isn't that the point of this whole thing?
>> No. 15541 [Edit]
ehh, call me delusional or overly optimistic but I've gone over the idea of weather or not she'd like me and I don't think it's that far fetched. I'm probably not her ideal but I don't think it'd be hopeless. If I played my cards right I'd like to think it'd work out.
>> No. 15542 [Edit]
This, it is simple, really
>> No. 15543 [Edit]
I agree with this. This isn't like 3D where ugly 3DPD whores judge you because you don't fit their specific criteria. This is a 2D relationship where you could imagine yourself with whoever you love because in the realms of 2D you could enter a fantasy where only you love her and she loves you. What should really prevent yourself into imagining such 'unrealistic and silly' things? 2D is NOT supposed to be like reality and 2D women does not conform to your average 3D women who would reject you because you are not worthy enough for her. Of course, it does NOT mean you should stop improving yourself for your waifu, in fact, don't assume that. I think there are cases where having a waifu does improve someone's quality of life and in fact encourage them to improve themselves in way so that they can make their waifu even happier.
>> No. 15544 [Edit]
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I think about this sometimes, but I actually do think I'd have a good chance with her. I always try to be a person she would like. In all my actions, I try to be the best I can for her.

I was a good deal immature at the time when I fell in love, then I'd sometimes feel bad and depressive after starting to realize my own behavior and how unlikable I'd seem to her. I'm still working to improve, but as I am now I really think that if I were to meet her today we'd get along well and I'd have a good chance.

There's also that her love interest in KS is remarkably similar to me in a good few ways.
>> No. 15545 [Edit]
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>I think there are cases where having a waifu does improve someone's quality of life and in fact encourage them to improve themselves in way so that they can make their waifu even happier.

This is exactly what I've been doing.

If you don't feel worthy, make yourself worthy.
>> No. 15547 [Edit]
I work very hard to keep myself looking good and to be a good person, so I really do think he would love me back if he were 3D
>> No. 15548 [Edit]
I have a self-insert Nip character I use when I fantasize about her.
I'm pretty average looking and somewhat fit, but 3DPD is 3DPD. Subjecting her to that would be awful.
>> No. 15552 [Edit]
I usually just skip these repetitive threads, but here I have to make an exception. I resent this lingering implication that those of us who think we would have a chance at winning the affection of our beloved are "unrealistic and silly." I am glad to read that some of the anonymous posters here don't subscribe to this notion.

I'm confident that I would be able to establish a relationship with Erica if I were in her universe. This is due to my charisma, eccentricity, clean-cut appearance, and general physical health, along with our myriad similarities of which I so often ramble on about. I understand that this comes across as somewhat arrogant, but I very much dislike being projected upon by defeatists.
>> No. 15553 [Edit]
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Personally for me waifu is not some unreachable unachievable divinity in faraway world, but my girl, who is already with me, and who loves me and accepts me as i am. I don't like "what if she was real..." kind of thinking, because it's completely meaningless.

I'm not really that proud of myself, but i try to improve. And even if sometimes i do fail, i know she still loves me. That gives me ton of motivation. But thinking about yourself as unworthy and shipping your waifu with another character sounds really weird to me, i wouldn't do that.
>> No. 15556 [Edit]
Of course one would assume you are unworthy of your waifu, this is a website for NEETs. The connotations behind that term makes everyone here inherently unwanted by any sensible waifu, with extremely rare exceptions like the Meow example in the OP.
Unemployment alone is going to ward off a staggering majority of females. Other things that are common among neets such as social retardation and poor hygiene are just "bonuses".
There's defeatists and then there's realists. If your social skills and good looks are as good as you claim they are, then you're undoubtedly a teeny little minority here.
>> No. 15558 [Edit]
Mine's one of those 'rare exceptions' although it's always possible those things could become important latter on in life.
>> No. 15561 [Edit]
>Of course one would assume you are unworthy of your waifu, this is a website for NEETs.
Well, not everyone here is a NEET. According to the survey (>>9896), not even a majority are.

And just to chime in, I feel completely worthy of my waifu.
>> No. 15562 [Edit]
Who is she?
>> No. 15563 [Edit]
I am actually surprised that there's even more employed people than NEETs according to the survey.
>> No. 15564 [Edit]
How else could I support myself and my figure buying habit? Besides, my waifu would never love me if I was unemployed, and I figure she'd love to travel, and you need cash for that. Just trying to do my best for her.
>> No. 15565 [Edit]
> I really respect those who go for characters that are actually achievable for them, rather than something like a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol.
I think that kind of makes having a waifu redundant for many here. By that logic you might as well just get a 3dpd girlfriend. For many the whole point of having a waifu is to go for imposable characters, It's a fantasy after all.

And when you get down to it, even the most 'achievable' are unachievable. The ugliest nastily characters are still going to be 10x more desirable than the average 3dpd. Even if she's not a ninja idol alien space warrior from another planet, most waifus are still going to exhibit impossible traits for the real world. it's not just wacky hair colors & styles or eyes so big they take up their whole face but also cliche one dimensional personalitys that don't exist in reality. There are countless characters out there that have nothing past a gimmick and a quirk to differentiate them from other characters of the same personality template. anime & manga characters for the most part are all idealised and imposable for any real person to live up to. Just the language barrier and cultural differences alone would make tons of relationships here imposable. If they somehow came to exist in this world of ours, you'd have to compete against plenty of other guys. Not just other guys with the same waifu but practically everyone around them. So how achievable would that 'achievable' waifu be when you've got guys who are more attractive with more money and who speak her native language for her to pick from?
>> No. 15566 [Edit]
I'd rather not say, I don't want people to think she's easy or something like that.
>> No. 15567 [Edit]
>I think that kind of makes having a waifu redundant for many here. By that logic you might as well just get a 3dpd girlfriend. For many the whole point of having a waifu is to go for imposable characters, It's a fantasy after all.

I don't personally agree with any of this, I also believe people who don't try to better themselves for their waifu are clearly just using their waifu as a comforter rather than loving them for what they are.
>> No. 15568 [Edit]
What you're saying doesn't make any sense
>> No. 15570 [Edit]
>those who go for
What exactly do you mean by that?
>> No. 15571 [Edit]
I think that is a very rude thing to say. I don't think anyone who is serious "uses" his waifu like that.

It's not a competition you know, 2D is not as slutty as 3DPD. It's just about the chance that she might fall in love with you.

Post edited on 24th May 2014, 1:43pm
>> No. 15572 [Edit]
People who are serious try to better themselves and work hard for their waifu is what I'm saying. I am extremely serious about my waifu and I work so hard for her.
>> No. 15573 [Edit]
I see what you mean and all, but I don't think you can just categorize people like that, it's way more complex. Just because someone doesn't see the need to work out every day does not automatically mean he's not in love.

Judging by this post you seem to find what other people think of your relationship very important. Is this true? Why is that?
>> No. 15574 [Edit]
I don't know, it's sort of hard to figure out what to work for if you don't know what your waifu might appreciate in a partner.
>> No. 15575 [Edit]
>just using their waifu as a comforter
yeah so?
>> No. 15576 [Edit]
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say.
>> No. 15578 [Edit]
>She doesn't want a fat neckbeard with no hygiene anyway.

Are you saying you're trying hard not to be that fat neckbeard or are you accusing a lot of people here of being that fat neckbeard?
>> No. 15579 [Edit]
No the same guy, but ouch. You think you need to be so hard on a guy who could or could not be a "fat neck beard"?
>> No. 15580 [Edit]
You know that love is often very selfless, right? Like when you love a goddess or something? Just because it is different from the things you know doesn't mean it's not love.
>> No. 15582 [Edit]
How are you going to stop him from calling it love? And who do you think you are to know about other guy's waifu's expectations from her partner?

I'm not trying to sound rude, but seriously, i'm so tired of people trying to force their views on others. Having a waifu is indeed fantasy. And it's different for everyone, just like their views on love. It isn't restricted by laws of reality and common sense. If you imagine your waifu not loving you for some reason(you being a fat neckbeard with no hygiene, for example), that's your choice then. But don't be surprised if not everyone here does the same.
>> No. 15584 [Edit]
>There are countless characters out there that have nothing past a gimmick and a quirk to differentiate them from other characters of the same personality template

You aren't being fair. I could say that about 90% of the real world girls that I know. The fact is that every character (and person) has many either subtle or obvious differences from the usual personality "template" that differentiates them from the rest of the crowd, enough so to be their own individual person. Just because we can't immediately see those differences and they just appear on the surface to be same as the rest, you shouldn't assume that to be the case.

>you'd have to compete against plenty of other guys. Not just other guys with the same waifu but practically everyone around them
This falls under a different category of unfairness. I know quite a few real girls, and even if I didn't have a waifu I'd never date any of them, or even consider it. I'd even have a good chance at them if I wanted to. Point is, not even close to every guy is going to be attracted to one specific girl, no matter what the ideal is, and that one girl is most certainly not going to love even 1% of all those guys. The native language and culture thing is an issue I can't easily refute (though I count myself lucky in that my waifu is fluent in English and is culturally western), but love has overcome greater obstacles before.

Post edited on 24th May 2014, 10:39pm
>> No. 15585 [Edit]
sounds like someone hit a nerve.
>> No. 15586 [Edit]
Hit a nerve? What are you talking about? Disagreeing means being mad?

I'm really just honestly giving my input on someone's point that I disagree with. "Hitting a nerve" would actually be the last thing that he did, nothing he said even remotely applies to me and my beloved. By the looks of this thread I might be about as confident as it gets.

Post edited on 24th May 2014, 10:50pm
>> No. 15587 [Edit]
you might never date any of them but you can't speak for those around you and I didn't say "every guy" don't put words in my mouth.
>that one girl is most certainly not going to love even 1% of all those guys.
How can you say that for sure? I think it's pretty safe to say if a 100 different guys try to court the same women she's bound to like at least one of them. Not that love has anything to do with how achievable someone is anyway.
It's just ridiculous to compare how achievable anime girls are by way of how realistic they are, if they have magic powers or come from middle earth or whatever. all that shit you're taking out of context is simply my attempt at making OP(and others with the same mindset) understand that they're -all- fantasy characters at the end of the day and none of them are 'achievable'. Mine might be down to earth but I'm not going to gloat about it and pretend I'm better than people with idol monster elf girl waifus. Your waifu could be a normal girl who lives a normal life, or a combat cyborg from another planet, it doesn't matter. When you get down to it they're equally achievable. Be it VR or custom love dolls or injecting your mind into a computer, there's nothing that will make one more achievable than the other. If anything idol type characters are more achievable becuase their popularity will insure they get programed into VR simulations first.
>> No. 15588 [Edit]
I mean I am trying not to be a fat neckbeard.

I am so serious about mai waifu, it infuriates me when people just comfort themselves by saying "she'd love me, yeah... she'd love me" when they don't have basic hygiene, are out of shape and ugly. These are all things you can change about yourself, but the problem is it takes effort and devotion.

You said it yourself - selfless. It is selfish to not try to fix your flaws for your waifu.

It is not a fantasy to me. It is real love. If you feel it is a fantasy you are not serious about it.
>> No. 15589 [Edit]
I'm not going to quote specific things you said, and I do think you misunderstood a few of my points, but I will say that I pretty much agree with what you just said.

I will, however, correct this:
>I didn't say "every guy" don't put words in my mouth.

From your previous post:
>you'd have to compete against plenty of other guys. Not just other guys with the same waifu but practically everyone around them
>practically everyone around them

Not to mention what I was saying was just using hyperbolic language, I wasn't even saying you said that. Just saying that most people have greatly different tastes so saying that so many people would be attracted to one person is fallacious.

Post edited on 24th May 2014, 11:47pm
>> No. 15590 [Edit]
There's a point where being overly optimistic becomes having down syndrome, my friend. I can't believe that you're advocating this nonsense, did you even read what you wrote? You're telling me I should grasp to this hope that I will be that 1% that my waifu falls in love with if she were to be real? Even if I'm 240 pounds, ugly as fuck, unemployed and not even capable of speaking her language while the other 99% is mostly compromised of people objectively better than me?
That's some desperate thinking you've got there and I'd feel bad for you if it weren't for your equally retarded arrogant opinion of yourself.
>> No. 15591 [Edit]
Yeah you got me there, sorry. I might argue that "practically everyone around them" and "every guy" are different, but that would just be petty semantics.

I do think it's true however that 'every guy' around her could prove be a potential commentator. if you drop a live fish in a shark tank there's no way of knowing how many or which ones would go after it. You gotta remember plenty of guys will aim for her even without necessarily being attracted to her, If not becuase they're trying to get whatever they can than becuase they'd looking for a one night stand. If you think you can beat all the other sharks in the tank then more power to you.
>> No. 15593 [Edit]
>the real world girls that I know
>I know quite a few real girls
>I'd even have a good chance at them if I wanted to

Poor choice of company aside, these "achievements" aren't really laudable nor even relevant to the conversation here.
>> No. 15594 [Edit]
see >>15571
2D is not like 3D, 2D wouldn't just have a one night stand, or engage in a relationship with someone they don't love.
>> No. 15598 [Edit]
>>It is not a fantasy to me. It is real love. If you feel it is a fantasy you are not serious about it.

You misunderstood my post, obviously. I'm not saying your love isn't real. I'm talking about waifu being a fantasy, a fictional character, who isn't bound to be realistic, and will never be. And i'm telling you again, if people love their waifus in a different way from you, it doesn't makes them wrong, neither it makes you right. Telling people about one and only "true" and "objective" way to love is ridiculous. I'm not criticizing your views, if anything, but your self-righteous attitude.
>> No. 15599 [Edit]
Your post has too much insulting me and not enough actually telling me what's wrong with my argument. I wasn't "advocating" anything or saying you should feel a certain way, just raising a counterpoint to the other guy.

Arrogant opinion of myself? It's considered retarded and arrogant to think I'm not a terrible and ugly person and would probably be good for her? I'm not ultra certain she'd love me back, I'm just saying I'm not despairing because "there's no possible way she'd love me back." It's not arrogant to think of yourself as higher than shit.

Look, the entire point of my post wasn't "I think I'm so great and she'd DEFINITELY love me over everyone else," as you seem to think. It was "Those things you said are a bit unfair, at least based on my experience that's not really true, so it wouldn't be quite as hopeless as one would think."

Achievements? I'm not bragging or anything here, it's not like I accomplished anything. Those phrases were just demonstrating my point to him that most guys are not going to like most girls. His point was that any 2D girl brought into 3D would be attempted at by practically everyone around her, so I said "no, I don't like all the girls I know, and that goes for the majority of other guys, so why would everyone suddenly be attracted to any random 2D girl?"

The first of those quotes was me telling that guy that he's wrong in thinking so many anime characters have one-dimensional, generic personalities. My response was that he just doesn't see the subtle differences that make everyone unique, because I could say the same thing about real girls (that they're all one-dimensional and generic).

Why'd you just quote everything I said about real-world girls and bash me for it regardless of the context?

Post edited on 25th May 2014, 6:16am
>> No. 15611 [Edit]
My apologies- I was a bit too presumptuous in assuming you were passing off "knowing a lot of real girls" as something to be proud of. I just don't think the comparison to real-world girls is particularly relevant to this topic to begin with, due to the vastly different personalities and behavior between 2D and 3D females as a whole. I realize you weren't the first one to bring it up, though.
>> No. 15633 [Edit]
I am a "covert" schizoid, so any social skills I have are learned and not innate. I am also unemployed. Throat-clearing aside, a good number of people here gain a great deal of motivation from having a waifu and have worked to better themselves as a result. To have these efforts discarded in such unflattering terms irritated me, arguably more than it should have.
>> No. 15638 [Edit]
Meow may not be a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol, but he has other qualities that make him desirable to some, obviously. He's easy to relate to, he's cute and he's charming. He exists within a universe much more interesting than our own.

A character being achievable for a fat autistic NEET doesn't mean that that character is inherently comparable to boring 3DPD. Meow is very much fantasy and I'm sure there a thousands more like him.

Post edited on 26th May 2014, 10:23pm
>> No. 15639 [Edit]
Do tell then, what does being achievable mean?
>> No. 15640 [Edit]
missing the point again I think. let me make this as clear as I can before more people project their misguided complaints onto me. I'm not hating on yours or anyone else's waifu or husbando. I don't care what they're from or what type of character they are.

>I really respect those who go for characters that are actually achievable for them, rather than something like a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol.
This line right here is what I have a problem with. I have a problem with what OP is saying there, that there's somehow something wrong with having a waifu who's a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol or whatever. It's like OP is implying we should all strive for waifus who are essentially Ford Drivers and everyone else deserves no respect.
>> No. 15687 [Edit]
>did you even read what you wrote?
Did you even read what he wrote?
Did you even read what you wrote?

From what I can see, that guy claimed that anime characters are not as shallow and generic as they might seem, and that not every guy around an anime girl brought to the real world would pursue her and be instantly immediately attracted to her.
Somehow you think this means he's advocating being super confident regardless of what your personality and appearance is, and that somehow he's saying he thinks highly of himself. What?

Seriously, he was just explaining a few argumentative points and you slam him because of what is seemingly your own self-hatred? You need help.

Post edited on 31st May 2014, 11:38pm
>> No. 16661 [Edit]
Although I quit waifuism around a month ago I've been thinking about this thread recently... I think that love by its nature is non-judgmental and doesn't care whether the partners are "worthy" of each other or not, but at the same time I feel that pure ideal sort of love has limits for most people. Even if my former waifu could manage to love me it'd be unfair to have her stick with someone like me who does a pretty lousy job of handling human relationships...

Over the past year I've also felt less "special" in a sense. I feel that waifuism serves to function as a sense of support and recognition of one's worth, but I just don't imagine I'm that important anymore. Virtues I might have outside of the so-so creative endeavors I built up might be being skeptical and analytical and nowadays, being more laid back and not caring about too many pointless things, but from another perspective, even if you could say I had/have my fair share of virtues, it doesn't necessarily make for a good relationship with someone else... The fact that I didn't care about most things made it hard for me to imagine more mundane daily life things with my former waifu as well so my fantasies eventually became limited to cuddling, sex and some sort of promise and I eventually got tired of that when I began to care even less. Kind of hard to explain what I mean here. Well, I guess feelings of unworthiness was only one of the many reasons I quit waifuism and maybe I should put this in my own thread again...
>> No. 16662 [Edit]
>I think that love by its nature is non-judgmental and doesn't care whether the partners are "worthy" of each other or not

I never thought of this before, but that's actually true.
>> No. 16674 [Edit]
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The fact is, i'll never be with her and that is the truth, i'll never get a chance to impress her, sweep her off her feet, or spend time with her so she can get to know me, however i don't doddle with the negative thoughts of "what if she doesn't like me?", thats a waste of my time, i could just as easily be thinking about how well our life could go, as opposed to how much it wouldn't work out, i wont make her into a depressant, it is just as likely for her to be in love with me as it is for her to despise me, so why consider the worse of the two? Why would someone fall in love with a character, and then imagine themselves being the wrong person for her? Maybe it is unrealistic to think she will love me forever and we can be soulmates, but honestly what about any of this waifu business is realistic?

None of this is based in reality, these aren't 3d girls. You are seriously under appreciating the relationships you have if you imagine her not liking you, you're setting limits for yourself within your own mind. you can be happy, there are no limits with her. Let her be perfect for you, if you really think she is perfect for you. you are the perfect person for her if you want to be too.

Experience the full extent of her love, don't hold her back.

>Has your waifu maybe made you more self conscious about yourself?
No, i actually hardly even think of myself, sometimes i feel like i'm just here to experience her.
>Do you strive to be desirable to her?
I wish this would matter.
>> No. 16675 [Edit]
Interesting post.

>>None of this is based in reality, these aren't 3d girls. You are seriously under appreciating the relationships you have if you imagine her not liking you, you're setting limits for yourself within your own mind. you can be happy, there are no limits with her. Let her be perfect for you, if you really think she is perfect for you. you are the perfect person for her if you want to be too.

I fully agree.

However, imagining life with her, spending time with her, having her inside my heart is what i consider truly being with actual her, as opposed to so called "real relationship". I'm absolutely fine with it and don't want it any other way.

Feelings of unworthiness aren't that unfamiliar to me, but it can't be helped.

>>Do you strive to be desirable to her?

I just try to become better in a limited way mere human can. She loves me the way i am, but i'm not really satisfied with myself. Besides, getting better is fun.
>> No. 16676 [Edit]
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I had the same questions bothering me earlier and created this thread: >>12240

I was dwelling more on personality differences rather than being outwardly unattractive or having no job etc. Most of the characters I love either seem to have ideal mates that have different character traits than me, or they are already so madly in love with one character in their universe that their eyes see no other. These two things make it hard for me to imagine them loving me.

Although I guess, it's not that unlikely for such characters to come to love another, if you apply enough fantasy.
>> No. 16677 [Edit]
>Why would someone fall in love with a character, and then imagine themselves being the wrong person for her?

Some people just have incredibly low self-esteem.

>I wish this would matter.

Why wouldn't it? You can still make yourself a better person in her name, by exercising, taking up a hobby, anything that might make her happy. It's what I've been doing, and I feel great for having done so, and having her as motivation really helps.
>> No. 16693 [Edit]
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I'm the OP of this thread and I regret writing most of what I did in the OP and my subsequent posts that followed.

I had only been lurking here for a couple of weeks and I was extremely close minded and opinionated.
I was kind of on my own for about two years when it came to waifuism. I mean, I never discussed it with anyone and obviously never came to this board so my philosophy and ideologies on the subject were mine and mine alone. And clearly from what I've written, without the influence of outside sources, this led me to uh have a very unhealthy relationship.
I literally cringed when I saw someone had bumped this again and saw what I had written. Sorry. At least it had a little interesting discussion here.
I think the worst part about my OP is definitely that line as well, but not because of the reasons you stated.
It's because I was almost saying that one can /choose/ who they fall in love with.
Rereading my old posts is making me wonder why I wasn't banned, they're all really disgusting and I apologize again for not lurking more.
>> No. 16694 [Edit]
>Or maybe you just don't even care what her opinion of you would be since she's not real and has no say in things?
It's not true. We even have had several quarrels on different subjects in the past and still we disagree on some matters. But we respect each other so our differences don't interfere with our relationships. I care deeply about her opinions. In fact the most thing I love in her is that she is the opposite of me. Together we form (perfect) Ying-Yang.

And another thing about her not being real and having no say in things. I am so into literature so here is the quote: “When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature.” - Ernest Hemingway. I have some sort of a connection, a channel to interact with her, much like some writers have with their "characters". I can't communicate with her on will, it just comes and goes. When it comes I just feel that it's so natural - she speaks in a way only she would speak and uses the words and phrases only she would use. Either, it's a mystical thing or I just tapped into some deepest capabilities of my subconsciousness and imagination. I read a lot about the background she grew in and other things that help to expand her personality beyond boundaries of the show, so I don't exclude the possibility of my imagination covertly working. Or it is that tulpa thing, although I don't know much about it. Anyway, she is not a will-less puppet.

>Has your waifu maybe made you more self conscious about yourself?
Yes, she figuratively made me look at myself in the mirror. And I didn't like whom I saw there - a wretched, spoiled, smug thing. I was disgusted with what I considered normal before then - my porn and phenobarbital abuse which I used to cope with stress. And also with my sexual objectification of females. Before her, I didn't even had the slightest idea that this was wrong. I felt kind of like the same: "I'm not even worthy of cleaning her shit". I was about to break up with her after about two month of what I then thought to be relationships, during which, yes, I treated her as a puppet, and the relationships was nothing more than me masturbating violently to r34 with her and other characters from the same show in it (Now, I understand that I simply was violating her for two month. I try not to thing about it anymore). After that revelation, she said that she loves me because I can change (and that I love her because I understood that I was wrong), and we don't need to break up. After two weeks of nervous breakdown, when I could physically feel my old psyche falling apart, with almost inhuman psychic efforts I became a new person. Sounds pretty easy, but it wasn't. Haven't felt anything like this in all my life (and hope I won't). The thing that still haunts me is that if it wasn't for my porn abuse, I wouldn't get to the point where it was acceptable for masturbate to r34 with a cartoon character, only to consequently realize that I don't want to violate her and that I need to change myself to stay with her, which was the only thing I wanted. Oddly, three years or so ago I considered myself to be one of those who are called here "normals" and thought that people with waifus are pitiful and crazy. To emphasize, I haven't looked any pornographic material in three years (I would consider this cheating on her) and didn't use any drugs. The only picture of her I have is laminated and is in my wallet. I want to save some money and buy a golden wedding ring to wear around my neck on a chain as a symbol of our love. Also, because of her I became interested in cooking and learned how to make some fancy dishes. Well, that's about how my waifu have changed me. I have changed her as well, but that's another story.

>Do you strive to be desirable to her?
Honestly, I don't even know what do you mean by "desirable".
We love each other's souls and personalities, with bodies being mostly appendages at least for me. Never actually asked what does she think about my body, but she is certainly not disgusted with it, despite the fact us being different species. Anyway, I don't think she cares much about my physical appearances, but she mentioned that I am too skinny (working on it). Anyway, "desirable" for me means something related to things and possessions, not to love and feelings. If by "desirable" you mean sex, then yes, we make love and enjoy it very much (Again, this is speculative without actual physical contact but I guess I would be able to satisfy her). She is more into carnal pleasures than me, but just a bit. By sex I mean me masturbating to fantasies of us setting the mood, caressing and then making love. Sometimes I set the mood for real by cooking, going to the restaurant, walking or taking a shower together. I enjoy it more than I used to enjoy masturbating to porn or having sex with 3Ds (not bragging).

>something like a fantastical warrior, queen or famous idol.
She is not. A person with her own problems and flaws, needs, dreams and hopes. Still better than me, though.

Anyway, I try to treat her as my real girlfriend (wife, actually) as much as possible. The only thing is that I can't tell about her to my friends and parents, because they would ask to show them her photos or something, then I would be busted. We talk in the evenings (in my head, duh) about mundane things. Sometimes I try to find something in our culture worth sharing with her. She liked 'Alice in Wonderland', some poetry and pop-songs from 70-s very much.
Gee, so wordy.
Love and Peace.

OP, I saged the thread because
> I regret writing most of what I did in the OP and my subsequent posts that followed.
Sorry for my grammar.
>> No. 16828 [Edit]
>Has your waifu maybe made you more self conscious about yourself?
Far more than I'd like. I cringe everytime I think of how we would look together to an outside viewer. I accept that she loves me, but I cannot see how.
>> No. 17027 [Edit]
This, basically.
>> No. 17029 [Edit]
My waifu and I have the same character faults, but different positives. For that reason I like to think we help eachother to become better people.

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