No. 15512
>should waifu.pl become exclusive to people you pre-approve just to keep you happy?
I never said anything like that! Don't just make up something I never actually said.
I never said that making such a website is a stupid idea either, I only said I'm not going to make one. Why are you verbally attacking me?
Also I know pretty much everyone on /mai/ so it is rare that I meet someone new here, but if I do, I don't have a problem with it. I come to this website so I can see how the others and their waifus are doing.
Like I already said in >>15487 I was and still am going to just ignore waifu.pl completely. I don't have a problem with the webpage or the idea of it, I just wanted to say I'm not gonna make one. See >>15479
I dislike people from 4chan, that is true. But I never said that I do it for very rational reasons. What I can say is that I dislike the board culture of 4chan and I also dislike that it is so big and fast, I feel like everyone on 4chan is very mean and also a huge normal so I don't feel comfortable around people who frequent that place.
Again, I'm not saying that you people should stop liking things I dislike. I never said that, I apologize if it came across that way. I apologize if someone misinterpreted my posts or if I misinterpreted someone else's post.
At this point I feel like people try to make me angry on purpose, so I'm not going to reply to anyone in this thread anymore. Read my other posts, I feel like I have said everything that is worth saying.
I actually thought after >>15487 everything was already clear and talked about.
Post edited on 21st May 2014, 9:50am