No. 14885
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>Waifus will never hurt us, will always be there for us, and will do us no wrong.
I think that there's an irony or something with this kind of situation: For some of us, the fact that they technically do not exist in the same way as we do brings dissatisfaction and, at times, grief because we can never truly interact with them. In that way, while they don't directly hurt us, we can still get hurt with the realization that they're not "there" and feel wronged that person we fell in love with is not of this plane of existence. By loving a waifu that will never directly hurt us, will always be there for us, and will do us no wrong, there are chances that some people here or even most of us might have, at one point or more, felt hurt and felt wronged that they don't "exist", that's they're just ideals. That's my take on it.
Also, as it was asked in this post >>14883, do they count as "flaws" if those qualities attract you to your waifu in the first place? To answer this question, I think this is where the old saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." comes in. Admit it, at least one person who knows your waifu/hasubando has a dislike or even hate for him/her, and we're not just talking about the people we know. The question: if you really are in love with your waifu, do you have to care about their opinions? Are you going stop loving your waifu because she has canonical flaws that someone doesn't like?
But to speak personally from my own experience, I have mentioned in this subforum many times that my waifu is a very flawed person. But I generally don't care about her flaws. In fact, I think it adds uniqueness to her, I think it makes her one of a kind and I think it suits her strong personality. So, I guess, just like what have been posted already, that I love her for who she is, despite her flaws.