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File 139588528059.jpg - (92.58KB , 600x428 , Aikatsu!_600_1675811.jpg )
14794 No. 14794 [Edit]
Does anyone else have a waifu/husbando that is traditionally paired with another character, so you aggressively ship that other character with another so your waifu/husbando is your own?

I feel like it's mean sometimes but I also honestly think those two are better together.
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>> No. 14795 [Edit]
Better than Ichigo x aoi? pff. Ichigo x Mizuki maybe but jhonny, no way.
>> No. 14796 [Edit]
Honestly, I just think of my waifu as being a different person from her VN character. Like an alternate-universe clone or something. It makes questions of continuity and tangled relationships (and culture shock) so much easier to deal with.
>> No. 14797 [Edit]
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Rinnosuke and Marisa. I mean, she practically grew up with this guy. Also knows her inside out.

It can't be helped.
>> No. 14799 [Edit]
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The only actual romantic interest left for Iori is the producer. And the producer is easily a self-insert so there is no need to pair her up with any other idol because the anime-version only producer is what I would like to become. The game-version is a literal self-insert, so it's even more easier since you're the one executing the choices that are given to you.
>> No. 14800 [Edit]
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The only recurring male characters in AzuDai are Mr. Kimura and Chiyo-Father, so Kagura's safe in that regard. Mostly.

Unless you want to count her and Sakaki as a pairing, but there's no romance there, in most people's eyes at least.
>> No. 14801 [Edit]
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Yeah, I know it's an unusual pairing. I don't know why, I just think they have the same unique energy.

I prefer Aoi x Ran because they're both mature and grounded. I still don't know who I like Mizuki the best with. Maybe Kaede?

I spend way too much time matching all the characters up. I just want everyone to have a happy ending.
>> No. 14802 [Edit]
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Yes and no.

I'm like >>14801 because I too want all the characters to have happy endings. In pretty much every scenario, for the love interests in the franchise, it involves ending up with Akira. Pretty much all of them die if they aren't with Akira; the only exception is probably Motomi, who is honestly the person who I see having the most stable relationship with Akira. I work around this by imagining alternate universes... but in the end, I acknowledge the true route as what really happened, which is funny because I think it's the least popular main ship in the franchise. Long story short: I probably support Motomi x Akira and Nano x Akira the most, but I still ship Keisuke x Akira anyway although not always in a romantic way.

My partner isn't that Keisuke anyway - they are made of the same cloth but they were cut by different people, so to speak. Regardless, I like seeing all Keisukes happy as long as they mostly match up as to how my Keisuke is.

Something that I do wonder sometimes is what it'd be like if Takeru were a major character and didn't exit the story so early (and circumstances allowed a normal meeting) - I wonder if he and Keisuke would have gotten along. I see the most of myself in Takeru so deep down I hope they would. (I think they would, too - a lot of their guiding principles are the same.)

I also don't particularly feel envy towards 2D characters because I know I can't compete with them.
>> No. 14803 [Edit]
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I'm lucky in that my husbando doesn't have a canon love interest, and also there are lots of characters (enough to go around). But most people ship him with the main character Ichigo. They are definitely friends but I believe he sees her much more as a little sister figure/fellow musician than romantically. I wouldn't even use the term jealous, because that's not right. I just don't ever see them together romantically.

I do know people, not even necessarily with proper waifu who actively loathe anyone near their favourite character or ship and disparage them in their fan works and to others. That makes me really sad that they have such anger to begin with, let alone for a 2D who doesn't deserve it.
>> No. 14805 [Edit]
>I do know people, not even necessarily with proper waifu who actively loathe anyone near their favourite character or ship and disparage them in their fan works and to others.

If someone's favourite character is being portrayed in a way they don't like, It's perfectly understandable why they would get mad about it.

I don't hate the "Sakura" pairing personally, but I don't exactly condone it either, even if I do keep pictures like the one I posted here: >>13790

Post edited on 27th Mar 2014, 6:33pm
>> No. 14810 [Edit]
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I don't really mind Emiya. I suppose it helps that the reader is meant to self-insert as him to a degree, and that I can relate to him more than I probably should. He's a tragic and interesting character in his own right.

I also hate the whole concept of shipping, it reeks of tumblr and bad fan fiction. I'm not going to deny what the author wrote, that would change the characters, motivations, and circumstances that define my wife and her personality. I love her exactly as she is.
>> No. 14811 [Edit]

I haven't read the F/SN visual novel, but aren't there three routes there? Is the Fate route with ShirouxSaber just the most accepted one or what? Also you can take Zero Saber or post Zero Saber...

My waifu's pairing is actually one of the defining aspects of her, although there isn't any hard hard evidence of a romantic relationship haha... But it would be yuri and I really don't care much.
>> No. 14814 [Edit]
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I love Barkhorn, so no. I enjoy Trude/Erica, Trude/Charlotte and even Erica/Ursula. That said, I like all yuri pairings, even crack. On the other hand, a het pairing would really irritate me (unless it's Fraietor/Erica, of course).
>> No. 14823 [Edit]
My husbando has three other characters he gets shipped with, they all seem equally as popular as each other. None of them make sense and only work out of character (and if you ignore a major slab of canon that makes one completely impossible).

Even then two of them just seem abusive. "Abusive" might be too strong a word but it's with two characters who hate him and seeing them paired together is simply unpleasant - it wouldn't be healthy for any of them. If he got paired together with another character who could get along with him, look after him properly and give him the love he deserves it wouldn't be nearly as bad, not that they'd work (I still wouldn't like it but I wouldn't hate it nearly as much as the current ones).

As for shipping one of the other characters, not really. One of them has a canon lover and the other two don't seem the sort to have a partner (at least when the series is set). All three of them have much more popular pairings and none of them make sense either. It's all really forced.

As some other people said I do want to see the characters in the series happy, but being together with these characters isn't going to make any of them happy.
>> No. 14882 [Edit]
I kinda wanted to make a thread similar to this a while ago. If your waifu comes from a series where she's either one of the romantic interests for MC or she's the MC and has several romantic interests did you guys root for her so she can get her happy ending or did you hope she'll end up alone?


>I prefer Aoi x Ran because they're both mature and grounded.

Good taste. Aoi and Ran have great chemistry and with each ep I feel like Aoi has more and more fun with teasing Ran. I've been shipping them since the end of 'S1'.

>I still don't know who I like Mizuki the best with. Maybe Kaede?

Mizuki found herself a new girlfriend it seems.
>> No. 14907 [Edit]
I never got the whole idea of shipping. I'm not against it, basically because it's too foreign for me to assess on that level. Reading stuff like this is really weird:
>>I prefer Aoi x Ran because they're both mature and grounded.
>Good taste. Aoi and Ran have great chemistry and with each ep I feel like Aoi has more and more fun with teasing Ran. I've been shipping them since the end of 'S1'.

Sorry about using your post as an example, >>14882, but it's really weird to me. I mean, if there's romance then aw yea romance, if there's drama then omg drama and if there's nothing then it's litterally nothing. Gets really complicated when you start architecting your own character developments as a viewer. Makes me wonder what's the motivation. Like, is it a matter of saturating that mad craving for shippage, like you can't help it you gotta breath, eat, drink, touch yourself, listen to breakcore and ship characters. Or is it all about making it fit all nice and tidy, everyone gets the girl and it's how it was meant to be. Like, in this world there's mathematical beauty, harmonic sounds, deeper meanings and perfect couples. I don't know, it's all cool I guess.
>> No. 14914 [Edit]
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>I never got the whole idea of shipping.
>Gets really complicated when you start architecting your own character developments as a viewer. Makes me wonder what's the motivation.

The basic idea behind it is arguably the same as waifuism. You could even call it waifuism lite. There's a character you like and you wish all the best to him/her. In romance series this is pretty straightforward and you just go with 'guy/girl A is the best for him/her'. In Aikatsus you have to wear goggles on top of that but it's usually pretty much the same thing - you just go with couples that seem to have good chemistry. There are some cases where crack pairings come up and the basis behind those is usually 'I want my two favorite characters to get together'.

And, well, if you have a waifu you're almost bound to 'architect' her on some level, too. You only see her for a brief period of time in the series she's from and the rest is one huge blank to fill.

It's basically a shallow version of waifuism without you being directly involved in the relationship.
>> No. 14920 [Edit]
Yurika-sama and Kaede? really?
>> No. 14926 [Edit]
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Been a thing for months, it has it's own tag on pixiv even (かえユリ). Even Sunrise acknowledges it enough to squeeze Yurika somewhere between Ran and Kaede in official material usually. Of course Ran x Yurika is way more popular but Ran is quite popular so...

Yay for off-topic.
>> No. 14927 [Edit]
>And, well, if you have a waifu you're almost bound to 'architect' her on some level, too.
Fair enough. I didn't really expect that comparison, but it makes sense.
>> No. 14929 [Edit]
File 139681547773.jpg - (321.33KB , 800x800 , 08cca3939d1e942aa022abe9af16dc1e.jpg )
At first I paired Kaede with Mizuki because of the sempai aspect, plus they were both raised in the entertainment industry. But Mizuki kind of drifted off.

I do like her with Yurika, actually. They're both very theatrical, but Kaede doesn't take it seriously so there's that humourous playfulness between them. Also they both love their costumes...

I also like Yurika with Sakura. They're both old-fashioned. But Yuri might be too bossy for her in the long term.

You're definitely right about the Waifu Lite, I think. It's like having friends and matchmaking them.
>> No. 14932 [Edit]
Yurika and Kaede just makes absolutely no sense to me at all. I can't see what they would possibility see in each other or have in common. I haven't even noticed them being together in the same room much. Yurika comes off like a loner who keeps to herself a lot where as Kaede is out going and eccentric. I don't think they have anything in common past being stuck in the same idol group for 3 or 4 ep.
>> No. 14946 [Edit]

If you feel like it let's continue there instead of derailing this thread even further.

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