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File 13958230668.jpg - (572.37KB , 2048x1152 , b208298a1c99eb7a3d7132b97b6e79b5.jpg )
14790 No. 14790 [Edit]
Recently I saw a picture of my waifu in chains and looking like she's forcing a smile. I don't want to post it here because it looked kind of bloody and violent in nature. Anyway, it made me start thinking. I frequently interact with my waifu by imagining her and have been very happy with doing so for a while now, but because of that picture it made me ask myself, am I doing that to her? Am I forcing her to be with me? Am I forcing my love onto her? I can't just ask her because all of the things she does and says to me will have its origin from my head, so what do I do? This is making me really depressed.
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>> No. 14791 [Edit]
Replies: >>14792
File 139583404951.jpg - (168.97KB , 500x750 , 004f7353ae04000993b41c86fc374321.jpg )
Actually, I think it's the opposite: it's you that's being forced by yourself to be with her. I mean, she ain't gonna be existing in this world anytime, yet we are forcing ourselves to be with them.

Yes, we are forcing our love onto them but in such a way that we get the aggravation instead because they're not gonna notice us. Ever.

But here's the question: Are you ready, as a person in love, to endure all these things, for her? Can you live with the fact that you vowed only to love her, even though she can't actually love you back?

If you can, you've made your choice and I hope you live with it.
>> No. 14792 [Edit]
Replies: >>14793
File 139584435696.jpg - (176.05KB , 800x600 , content_201212310848 (1).jpg )
I hadn't thought of it that way. That makes a lot of sense. Also, some time after posting, I had the thought that since all of her interactions and such are based on my thoughts, then the only way she would feel forced to be with me is if I intended for her to feel that way.

>Are you ready, as a person in love, to endure all these things, for her? Can you live with the fact that you vowed only to love her, even though she can't actually love you back?

Absolutely. These little things I do to cope with stuff is very helpful, though.
Now I'm in a very good mood. Thanks.
>> No. 14793 [Edit]
>the only way she would feel forced to be with me is if I intended for her to feel that way.

Yeah, pretty much this.

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