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File 13910140844.png - (1.76MB , 1200x1633 , 11369573 - 天使.png )
14367 No. 14367 [Edit]
Do you believe that your waifu exists in some shape or form? As in whether she exists in your mind, in your dreams, some plane of existence or somewhere else entirely? If so, would you like to travel to her world, your world or somewhere else?

If you were to die, would you imagine yourself with your waifu?
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>> No. 14368 [Edit]
in my opinion, believing that the universe is an infinite expanse, and therefor has an infinite amount of possibilities, there is a 100% chance that out in some world, an inconceivable distance away there is a girl exactly like her, sitting at a computer, typing this exact sentence about her beloved husband, a male from an anime series who thinks, acts and resembles me in every way. She stays awake at night thinking of me, she commissions art of me, she defends me and my series because she is truly in love with me. Everyones is out there somewhere.
>> No. 14370 [Edit]
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I agree with >>14368 but I would like it so that she didn't see me first through a work of fiction tbh.

I don't think I'll meet her anytime soon after I die, but if the soul is truly immortal (that which I severely doubt) it's definitely a possibility. I don't believe in magical properties in the world -- if somehow I was granted magic that came from my emotions like in many anime series, it would all really be a gamble, in my opinion emotions are too subjective to be fairly turned into magical powers.

To OP, do you believe that your life sucked so hard that you will be reborn in the Student Heaven or whatever it was in the Angel Beats universe and be with her?
>> No. 14377 [Edit]
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Technical answer: Yes, I do.

Kind of depressing answer: Within my own mind only. He is with me now, and he will die with me. We'll truly be together in oblivion, I suppose, where neither of us will exist any more. What a weird and disturbing thought. We are not ready for death yet.

I was going to say more but that's the gist of it.

Post edited on 29th Jan 2014, 10:44pm
>> No. 14378 [Edit]
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I agree with this post. If the many-worlds theory is right, then the universe where someone's waifu lives does exist. The chance of this happening increases if the question of the existence of fictional universes is asked.

In other words, if there are really other universes out there, there are greater chances that they are the universes that we came up with using our mind.

And even if she does not exist, then she still exists on my mind and ideals and that is enough.
>> No. 14381 [Edit]
I'm no physicist so I wouldn't claim to understand the multiverse theory, but I think such trivial interpretations are populace's trash. I find really hard to believe that, just because I can imagine/conceive it, there is a world with an english flying boy called Peter Pan who remains one day old... and whose mother has tentacles for nipples and fangs that reach her anus like those of the in-world green photosynthetic elephants (see what I mean?)... In any case, even if such weird and inaccesible universes were to exist, how could we assert to have any knowledge and love for it, if we can't gather objective knowledge (and love) even from this universe of our own? Once again, the entities living there would be some alterities and not be the things we love, it's ridiculous.

Mai waifu exists, say, as God, numbers, holotypes or abelian groups: as metaphysical concepts that we grasp and use through some semiotic process of representation (narrative, plastic arts, music, biology, maths,...). She is overtly fictional. a frontal lie, and that makes my love honest within this existence haunted by the scam of language et al. signs.
>> No. 14396 [Edit]
> I find really hard to believe that, just because I can imagine/conceive it, there is a world with an english flying boy called Peter Pan who remains one day old... and whose mother has tentacles for nipples and fangs that reach her anus like those of the in-world green photosynthetic elephants (see what I mean?)...

Well, who said it isn't possible? I mean, I have conceived worlds in my dreams that are nothing more of infinitely repeating fractal patterns and geometric shapes (Those are the stuff of my nightmares.), and there can just be a universe out there which an endless dark space with the exception of a marble bust of Napoleon floating idly in the middle of the space. Chances are, those things could exist.

>In any case, even if such weird and inaccesible universes were to exist, how could we assert to have any knowledge and love for it, if we can't gather objective knowledge (and love) even from this universe of our own?

The very existence of humanity as a creature is already a jackpot in the evolutionary lottery, so why can't it happen that this jackpot is repeated in other universes?

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