No. 14325
Alluring and destructive, she is an epitome of a double-edged sword. Honest but deceptive, she is no one's ally but her allegiances are her own. But she will side with those who could assist her, temporarily. With a harsh sense of retributive justice, those who cross her do not live long. Years of countless atrocities that she had to commit have taken a toll on her fragile sanity, as she grows ever more determined to complete her ambitions. Those who get in the way of her ambitions are seen as dangerous threats and must be eliminated. Despite her penchant for committing atrocities, she at least has a sense of personal honor and dignity that keeps her from committing truly heinous and despicable acts. She appreciates honesty and always keeps her word, even though she can and will withhold information. She has a sense of order that keeps her disciplined and determined to attain her objectives at all costs. But within the façade of a noble demeanor coupled with layers upon layers of fanatical insanity and malice, lies a deeply, surprisingly gentle person. Zealous and determined, she intends to see that her obsessive, destructive ambitions, albeit noble-intentioned, reach completion. However, she kindly bides her time, as she seeks redemption even if she herself is forgotten for her supposedly heroic deeds. As her aspirations are misguided at best, her possible true desire is to be loved like no other. As she slowly receives the kindness she receives from others, perhaps she can shed her violent tendencies and become a paragon of virtue, abandoning her ambitions once and for all. She is a deeply-faceted character, with layers upon layers of complex emotions. Some would say she is a demon within a body of an angel, or a demon with the heart of an angel. Despite all this, she still remains an enigma to many as of now, as no one is remotely close to ever knowing the true her.
Post edited on 25th Jan 2014, 7:22am