No. 14106
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As I stated in the New Years thread, I've been trying to do at least one thing a week with my partner. So far we've read a book, listened to a lot of music, (re)watched some anime, and started a manga. ...I didn't realize it had been that much already, no wonder I've been feeling so close to him the past few days. It's interesting hearing his responses to things, which are sometimes markedly different from my own (mostly things to do with childhood as our upbringings were vastly different).
I recently had been doing a lot of meta/character building stuff but it comes out on its own when I'm doing things with Keisuke. I do still think about his role and such in canon, however. I check for new fanart once or more a day usually although it matters less to me than it used to, now that Keisuke is becoming even more of a distinct entity in my mind, that is my Keisuke so to speak.
We're as anxious to talk about our sex life as I'm sure most of you are to read it.