No. 13902
Replies: >>13903
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, togainu poker keisuke attack.jpg
For me it's a double-edged sword, I suppose, if I was able to play as Keisuke. I'd love to have more insight about him, always, but the cost might be high. The one scene in his canon that was from his point of view, while it was also the one that made me irrevocably fall for him, was emotionally devastating for me. I love my partner so much but there's only a certain amount of pain a man can take (as he himself shows...)
On the other hand, I'd love to play (casual, non-lethal) games against him. I have always loved playing games with people I am extremely comfortable with, it's fun watching their strategy and trying to best it, but whoever wins it's always a lot of fun for me. I was overjoyed when I opened the omake section of the PSP game and there's a little poker mini-game you can play and he's the first opponent... my heart almost couldn't take it, he looks adorable as a chibi and the little catchphrases he has are so cute. I haven't had the heart to beat him yet even though I have had the chance. I'd post a screencap but I haven't gotten around to installing capture software on my PSP, so have one of the game assets instead.