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File 138672819353.jpg - (2.63MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_0132.jpg )
13777 No. 13777 [Edit]
don't usually visit these sorts of boards, first time I've found one dedicated to waifus.

My waifu is Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I'd just generally have trouble feeling affection for anyone else and it happened... It's been going on for 2 years since I was 16 and I haven't have 3D crushes since (I'm a lolicon anyways and not many lolis) I've had crushes before but those were just pointless diversions and even after the events in the Rebellion Story I still want to dedicate myself to Homura more than ever and heal her scars. Yeah sure she's paired and blah blah, but even then...

It's been a pretty big inspiration for me and I think I generally enjoy life more (with waifuism) but even then my mental issues continue to plague me... After turning eighteen I guess I figured there weren't going to be any magical shortcuts for me and I just wanted to improve myself little by little, taking up martial arts and working harder to pursue my dreams, but I still have trouble with schoolwork and I still fall into depressive states a lot, especially since our third Christmas together is approaching and the winter blues are just going to tear me apart... Back at the end of 2011 that was actually the high point for me, after that I snapped back to cruel reality and suffered for the most part of 2012 realizing I could be considered a pedo and not wanting to grow up, and now I've accepted those parts of me and I'm in college, still living for my lolis and waifus...

I have three figures and a dakimakura, and I'm quite the snuggler and quite the fapper (usually just my imagination) although in an ideal world we could share other hobbies... Well, there's the whole cooking and cleaning for each other shit as well I guess. Come to think of it I should probably use that as a reason to bother organizing my stuff better. (Well it is organized, it's just messy)
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>> No. 13778 [Edit]
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Homu was my favorite character in Madoka and is still one of my favorites in general. You've got good taste! I really like your figs.

Do you prefer glasses Homu or no glasses?

Also, improving little by little is still great! Go too fast and you'll burn yourself out. Slow and steady, steady and slow.
>> No. 13779 [Edit]
File 138673119244.png - (283.70KB , 1000x1000 , af7abc629ee972bcfad0dcc5c21f8e0f01ba842c.png )
I've had a similar experience, from being happy with accepting waifuism into my life, and then reality and personal problems setting in. But hey, that's what we have our waifus for, right? To help us through rough times.

It's good that you have things to work towards, I'm sure she's happy for you. I've been inspired through mai waifu's determination to work harder towards the things I want to do, and I'm sure Homura's dedication can motivate you as well.

Best of luck to the both of you in the future.
>> No. 13780 [Edit]
I like all Homus... I just don't like the thought of being middle-aged or old by the time I'd be good enough for her or whatever. There's pretty much just hope in technology for that matter as aging will be pretty much inevitable unless secret magic exists that allows me to retain my youth...

Did you see the Rebellion Story? If so I'd like to discuss that but I usually don't have to motivation to post on most mainstream places.

Haha on burning myself out. I guess I decided to fulfill my childhood dreams after turning eighteen. I animated an opening (http://candor-shade.deviantart.com/art/Zusa-s-Misadventures-FULL-OPENING-417321882) for one of my original series being based of Fate/Zero's second OP and now I'm trying to make a flash game (I've honestly always wanted to work in Flash). On the other hand I guess I gave up being a hero since real life is just too messy and inconvenient for that, but I still see myself as the type to go on adventures--even without magic, there's a lot of things to see in the world that you can't see if you stay in one place. Maybe that won't burn me out but maybe that'll get me killed. Oh well as I said don't want to approach middle or old age anyways.

Basically my dreams, idk... After seeing Madoka I was inspired to create a magical girl series and after writing the first novel (I have other novels that I have to revise out of my total nine -- started from beginning of high school and they're all 70,000 words plus) so I guess my overpowered magical girl may help the magica out a bit if my part vampire part dragon male OC (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-q5jb4Rspk) doesn't do. I was thinking of quitting animation but I ended up trying to push at raising the quality of my stuff and you get the quality you saw in the animations I linked...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auze6Lp2e9k This is why I usually don't have motivation to animate that much although I always try to average at least 1 hour a day by now. (pretty sure it's higher than that at the moment)I also need a new tablet soon. And yes if you guys know what I'm talking about I can tween everything but I'm just a frame-by-frame guy

Man this system for imageboards made me double post for some reason and the edit confused me, hopefully by now things are cleared up.

Post edited on 10th Dec 2013, 7:21pm
>> No. 13789 [Edit]
That's some pretty good animation there. You've obviously put a lot of time and effort into those, and it shows.
>Man this system for imageboards made me double post for some reason and the edit confused me, hopefully by now things are cleared up.
It's fine, I'm trying to get the hang of things here too.
Just click the tick box next to your name of any of your posts you want to delete, then go to the bottom right of the page to delete it.
>> No. 13808 [Edit]
I wish I had your joy and acknowledgement of reality, OP. I really wish I did. But this world is all too cruel and all to much.

>On the other hand I guess I gave up being a hero since real life is just too messy and inconvenient for that
Which is why all we can do if we really want to live out our dreams is seek out some form of happy lie, an illusion where all of our dreams really do come true. That is the only hope for us, especially those who want to be united with our waifus. Hell, we wouldn't even have to call her waifu anymore, we could call her girlfriend and later, Wife! We wouldn't be stuck with a term that says she's make-believe.

>but hey, that's why we have waifus, right? to help us through the rough times.
I didn't fall in love with her out of a need for some sort of crutch. I fell in love with her because she stole my heart. And now I am feeling more rough times because I'll never be with her and the rough times only get worse and worse because I think of how she isn't and never will be there to make me feel better. It's all so empty. Everything is empty. We all need to die. We need to die. We just need to fucking be dead already.

>I've been inspired and motivated by my waifu
My waifu has been the opposite. What's the point of doing anything if I'll never be with her? I can think of how happy she would be, but does it really matter if it'll never come to fruition? If I'll never get my chance to hold her? What's the point of it all?
>> No. 13811 [Edit]

>I didn't fall in love with her out of a need for some sort of crutch. I fell in love with her because she stole my heart. And now I am feeling more rough times because I'll never be with her and the rough times only get worse and worse because I think of how she isn't and never will be there to make me feel better. It's all so empty. Everything is empty. We all need to die. We need to die. We just need to fucking be dead already.

I wasn't aware that I needed a healthier outlet for my emotions until Homu became my waifu. Never really thought of her much as a crutch to begin with, but life before her sucked a lot harder.

>My waifu has been the opposite. What's the point of doing anything if I'll never be with her? I can think of how happy she would be, but does it really matter if it'll never come to fruition? If I'll never get my chance to hold her? What's the point of it all?

I was in that state for a good 18 months or so. I guess I don't so much acknowledge reality as I acknowledge the potential of the human mind to fulfill their dreams in works of creativity and such... (One day I hope to see fanart of me and my waifu XD) I still do really want to hold her, but if by chance that ever actually happens, I don't want to seem like a pathetic loser.
>> No. 13826 [Edit]
>but I still see myself as the type to go on adventures--even without magic, there's a lot of things to see in the world that you can't see if you stay in one place.
Do it! Some of my most beautiful and cherished moments in life came from my hitchhiking and bicycle trips around the US. There's magic out there in the world if you have the eyes for it.

>Maybe that won't burn me out but maybe that'll get me killed. Oh well as I said don't want to approach middle or old age anyways.
Eh, not sure how much you're joking, but assuming you're a male living in a first world country, things aren't nearly as dangerous as people like to believe. And getting old doesn't have to be that much of a drag, it just depends on the decisions you make with your life and body.
>> No. 13827 [Edit]

Did you become old with your waifu while she stayed forever young...?
>> No. 13833 [Edit]
Ah, I probably should've said getting older instead of getting old, as I'm not that old yet. My waifu, while not exactly having been my waifu the entire time, has been a huge part of my life for around nine years, but age hasn't been something I've thought about much in regards to that. Much of it is probably that she has a mature personality, and in more than one way I have been the one that's trying to catch up to her in terms of personal growth. I also wrote this >>13822 in your other thread.

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