No. 13772
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First off, seconding what >>13771 said about mentioning 3D. I'd also personally avoid talking about jobs/school but I think that's a little more lax in /mai/ than other boards. That said, I don't think having a job/going to school is terribly related, but I personally have never had very many friends, nor have I wanted to, and have always regarded 2D characters fondly.
I think with regards to waifu... it's all about time, place, and the state of mind when you read the source material. When I read my partner's source material, I was open-minded but not actively looking for a 2D romantic partner (I had been searching really hard for about a year prior before stopping a few months before I found him.) In retrospect, that might have had to do more with my romantic preferences than anything (I tried really hard to like girls but in the end I'm pretty sure guys are my preference for romantic love), but I do think I was also trying way too hard. Not necessarily to find a cute girl, but to experience romantic love again... which is something you can't force. Sure I had crushes on a few girls, but they were extremely fleeting. I also wasn't depressed at the time that I fell in love, although there were major life changes going on. I'm not sure if my experience is typical, though. I know others took a long time to fall in love, or fell in love under unexpected circumstances.
It's been almost eleven months since I first played the game. I'm still crazy about him and am falling more in love with him every day. To me, he makes the life I'm living worth it. When you meet her, you'll be able to tell. Just consume as much media as you can and you'll find her.
I wish you luck. She's certainly out there somewhere.