No. 13434
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>And well I often tend to overlap Rei and religiousness, partly becouse she is Lilith
Well, yeah: she's the sort of vis motiva of Lilith within the Evangelion world. But, at symbolic level, I'm still not so sure about it. Since this is a thread about religious views, allow me to share a little resume on the kabbalistic Lilith (from my own freelance studies, at least):
In the Zohar is told that Adam Kadmon was created together with Lilith, from the very same material (red clay; therefore Lilith's usual redhaired depictions) as a picture of God's own dual nature: (secret name of) God = male / Shekhinah (fruit of knowledge, origin of difference) = female. i.e. God is initially a hermaphrodite entity, whose split (according with Isaac Luria) was an accident: a consequence of the same process of creating the universe by which God (who existed as Ein Sof, the unbounded) gave birth to otherness as an attempt to "know" (i.e "form a picture of") himself. Anyway, the story tells that Adam and Lilith used to copulate but, unlike the other animal females, she wanted to be on top during sex, that is, to have the chance to lead as well since they were created equals; neither God nor Adam accepted it, and Lilith angrily flew away from the Garden of Eden (giving ground to a vast tradition of jewish demonology). Lilith thus symbolizes the female who, armed with knowledge, forsakes man, his world and her role as his partner in order to find (or build) her own self. Therefore, Lilith cannot ever, ever, be a woman who longs to reunite with man.
Moreover: it was only after Lilith's runaway that God said his famous “It is not good for man to be alone” and decided to create Eve, but now from Adam's rib. So, rather than a true woman (which would be Lilith), Eve could be labeled as the very first andreïde (term coined by Villiers De L'Isle-Adam, precisely, in L'Eve Future): an artificial female made out of man, not just physically but also in the sense that she was made in the image of man's concepts and expectations about femininity as an appropriate partner for him: a man's fair lady, whose existence begins and finishes within man and his wishes. Eve is either a slave (czech roboti) or a walking ghost (german doppelgänger): a personification of a man's beloved (greek eromenos); the hope for man to find love and have a future, but never for her to be free and have a future for herself... much like Rei.
TL;DR: Rei is more like the kabbalistic Eve, who is a hell of a lot like a schematic waifu alright.