No. 13236
My concept of fantasy love is really different from what goes on here, but I really have to agree with the other two posters. For me, this is the dream life. I see too often on here people doubting themselves, or even self shaming sometimes, it's hard to consider this kind of thing a dream life and perfect and right when the culture we were born into is this huge mass trying to influence you to stick to the traditional life.
I get pretty jealous when I see something beautiful that happens in the 3rd dimension, and I think "Wow, they're cheating so badly getting to do all that, and the girl is even gorgeous. I wish I could do that, I could do it too." - but then I think that what is really happening with this whole imaginary love is a test of faith. It is my belief that every drawing I make and every story I write will be a part of a new life when I stop dreaming (Die), and actually become that dream. Needless to say, this is pretty much my life, I have no regrets about that.
But yeah. Being perfect on Earth makes you really shallow usually, being outcast and living with your own self created value system is the most empowering thing that could have happened to me. So much that I could go out and seize the world because of the girls I've met over the years, and I couldn't do that before, but I never intend to replace fantasy. Sorry, no picture since I like to keep my original girls a secret.. Thank you for reading. I rarely post, but this place is so gentle and quiet, I'll give it a shot.