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File 137587457570.jpg - (145.38KB , 1261x1920 , 1l.jpg )
13085 No. 13085 [Edit]
Would your waifu engage in fisticuffs if your well-being was in peril?
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>> No. 13086 [Edit]
File 137588733682.jpg - (212.28KB , 567x800 , d6e0cc950da0f4bd5a860fdf7773288f.jpg )
She will, even if we are not in a relationship together: She looks for reasons to get into fights anyway.
>> No. 13088 [Edit]
File 13759044843.jpg - (387.22KB , 486x749 , 13955064.jpg )
Based off of what is canon, it seems she's more into clawing other girls if the situation calls for it.

Answer: Possibly.

Post edited on 7th Aug 2013, 12:42pm
>> No. 13089 [Edit]
File 137590858945.png - (1.20MB , 1200x1600 , 36945987.png )
If, for some reason, she didn't have her knife, sure.
>> No. 13090 [Edit]
File 137591110041.jpg - (90.23KB , 480x272 , ULJM-05795_1112812271_914.jpg )
Yes, and I'd gladly do the same for him. I'd probably get my ass kicked in the process, but he's very capable.
>> No. 13091 [Edit]
File 137591110381.jpg - (141.71KB , 600x700 , 9e63c459aceea72219801f4c194c9414.jpg )
In a sense.
>> No. 13092 [Edit]
File 137591328688.jpg - (808.30KB , 950x1295 , 100000000738.jpg )
I'm sure she would. I wish I could do the same for her if it ever came down to it, but as an ordinary human I don't think I would ever be the one in the 'defender' role.
>> No. 13093 [Edit]
File 137591802989.gif - (1.21MB , 640x271 , ieK7JnTR20HHe.gif )
No. She'd hit me alright, though.
>> No. 13094 [Edit]
File 137592200358.gif - (418.13KB , 175x280 , 1368122428847.gif )
Erica one-punches a Neuroi in the movie with the power of chocolate. I don't think she's about to take shit from anyone.

She's issued a sidearm, but never seen explicitly carrying it, so i'm not sure if that's an option or not.
>> No. 13097 [Edit]
File 137592894688.jpg - (52.53KB , 1013x571 , fight.jpg )
Very doubtful, or at least I can't see it happening. she's not a violent or aggressive type of person and I'd rather not have to see her get hurt for my sake anyway.
>> No. 13098 [Edit]
File 137593230015.jpg - (66.96KB , 704x476 , 1368383768911.jpg )
>I'd rather not have to see her get hurt for my sake anyway.

More or less this.
>> No. 13099 [Edit]
My well-being would never be in peril, nor would hers. She is good at fighting though, she'd probably be able to kick my ass, actually.
>> No. 13102 [Edit]
File 137607124520.png - (1.56MB , 1600x1200 , Lucky_Star___konata_KICK_by_DivineKaze.png )
She knows martial arts and beats up foreigners.
>> No. 13103 [Edit]
Poor Guile.
>> No. 13105 [Edit]
File 137610670148.png - (30.91KB , 375x923 , Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei v16 c152 - 13.png )

I get quite a charge out of the thought of Chiri getting hurt for my sake. Besides, I'd do the same for her.
>> No. 13106 [Edit]
She is small, and frail, and has a weak cardiovascular system. Also rather passive and given to depressive states of resigned inaction.

So no.
>> No. 13107 [Edit]
File 137614292651.png - (581.04KB , 1181x1748 , 琴吹 - 年賀状用いおりん - 31864969.png )
She's quite fragile so it would probably end up with me protecting her. Though give her a gun and she can be brutal with it.
>> No. 13111 [Edit]
File 137626862535.jpg - (1.49MB , 1131x1600 , tensers transformation.jpg )

The idea of Patchouli engaging in fisticuffs is hilarious. Flailing away with her tiny little fists, wheezing through the asthma...

... unless she took a page out of Byakuren's spellbook, that is.
>> No. 13112 [Edit]
File 137627132768.jpg - (211.16KB , 700x830 , 1235964553542.jpg )
That it is. I just took "fisticuffs" to mean "fight" in this case for that very reason, presuming she would never fight without magic. Depictions of Patchy being physically powerful always amuse me, though.
>> No. 13113 [Edit]
File 137627372168.jpg - (64.57KB , 640x441 , 640px-NaruPunchUrashimaStyle.jpg )
Of course. She knows the Urashima Style of Jujutsu, and shes very... headstrong.
>> No. 13114 [Edit]
File 137629567393.jpg - (209.06KB , 1920x1080 , yuuko_180.jpg )
She probably wouldn't be able to if they tried.

She'd rely more on her haunting abilities to scare them away.
>> No. 13142 [Edit]
File 137639677513.jpg - (355.40KB , 518x800 , 25970821.jpg )
Of course, she would defend me just as I would defend her. I don't think it would end well for the assailant, though.
>> No. 13161 [Edit]
File 137663449627.png - (432.66KB , 450x600 , 36111556.png )
She watches my back when I'm scared of being attacked. She puts up her fists like she knows martial arts or something even though she doesn't. It's pretty cute and hilarious, but I think she's too weak to do any actual fighting. If I was in peril I'd want her to run away to safety rather than trying to have her save me.
>> No. 13621 [Edit]
File 138357226819.jpg - (69.14KB , 960x540 , 578309_209338042518810_288348829_n.jpg )
I think so, yes.
>> No. 15135 [Edit]
File 139858870452.jpg - (76.35KB , 515x600 , Saber Lily 40.jpg )
whether my well-being is in peril or not, she will likely engage in a fight.
>> No. 15140 [Edit]
File 139862057859.png - (200.08KB , 500x800 , 53179b014a6da5a36e07ba13ab12b96a.png )
I like to think she would. She has a mean roundhouse kick, at least.
>> No. 15146 [Edit]
File 139863065919.png - (1.03MB , 1008x1306 , 1359322302222.png )
she wouldn't have a problem with it.
Good to see another Upotte waifu.
>> No. 15149 [Edit]
File 139864159151.jpg - (234.92KB , 1280x932 , Erica's shield.jpg )
I'm able to take care of myself but she would certainly step in if I screwed up.
>> No. 16533 [Edit]
File 140970381371.png - (2.46MB , 1229x1183 , 1398379711593.png )
naw I'm a fat faggot loser, she'd be entertained by watching scum like me die, or even kill me herself.
>> No. 16667 [Edit]
File 141136101711.jpg - (210.49KB , 850x1202 , sample-c2ffdd31201eb11e14ad5de92f1f0750.jpg )
She gets very protective of people she likes, so yes.
>> No. 16698 [Edit]
File 141222500927.jpg - (533.71KB , 1024x1024 , 44780240.jpg )
I could see it happening, although given her abilities and depending on the situation, she may not even need to resort to fisticuffs.
>> No. 16931 [Edit]
File 141520958698.jpg - (56.04KB , 700x875 , Ikezawa_Hanako_full_989151.jpg )
Yeah I would think so. She's stronger than she looks.
>> No. 17381 [Edit]
File 142103331297.jpg - (128.27KB , 500x740 , gelbooru_com 2095883 1boy grin male minazuki_sho p.jpg )
He definitely would, even if I was simply being verbally bullied he'd probably beat the person up.
>> No. 17393 [Edit]
Oh yes she would. She's very protective of the people she cares about.
>> No. 17731 [Edit]
File 14262912062.png - (165.22KB , 480x857 , malcolm_by_pof_28-d35d4uc.png )
I imagine he gets in his fair share of fistfights over romantic partners (or potential ones) anyway, so probably.
>> No. 17765 [Edit]
File 14265712252.png - (1.28MB , 1280x720 , 1395957800792.png )
She would jump at the chance.
>> No. 17766 [Edit]
File 142657422343.jpg - (966.93KB , 840x1294 , 53.jpg )
He might if anything got serious, though he'd probably just try to intimidate them rather than jump right into a fight.
>> No. 17803 [Edit]
File 142705864131.png - (31.97KB , 111x196 , Screenshot from 2015-02-28 15:44:04.png )
She would have decapitated somebody long before it would come to that.
>> No. 17815 [Edit]
File 142710179149.jpg - (210.28KB , 826x1169 , 30300338.jpg )
I can always depend on her in a pinch.

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