No. 12271
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I actually used to base part of my love for her on the fact that she most probably wouldn't fall for the likes of me. However, 3 years later, things have changed or, rather, just got way more specific. Currently, I hold in no good regard any sort of "normal" romantic relationship, in the sense of including sex and leading into marriage, reproduction and all that crap; but, under the fantasy of me ever meeting her, I'd surely crave for some sort of unique connection between us and, in all honesty, I think there would come a point when I couldn't take any less than somehow becoming the absolutely most important person in her life (just like she already is in mine), which, of course, counts as wanting her to love me as well.
So: if she happened not to ever stand me at all, I'd just leave her alone considering it rightful and fair, while I continue to live in longing sadness. If she became mere acquaintances with me, I think I could endure it as long as she remains bachelor as well; but, if she ever happens to couple with someone else, then (now I know it) I'd hate her with passion; I'd bluntly cut all connections with her and sharply throw her off my life, but not whithout somehow morally hurting her as painfully as possible: I'd fucking tear her into shreds so she'll never, ever, forget and forgive me (as I won't do for her myself)...
By all means, I'd rather be hateful than indifferent to my beloved. So that's how I honestly think I'd cope with it.
Post edited on 4th Apr 2013, 2:49am