No. 11798
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Look, I have already seen a bunch of undeserving idiots on other sites who 'claim' to have Iori as their waifu, but I would have to expect it, because Iori herself is such a fantastic and brilliant idol (in my opinion), it's hard for people not to love her. And what did I do? I just have my own superiority complex mindset that I deserve their love more than them if they don't really deserve it. I don't have to convince them that my love is superior, since I don't really waste my time talking to idiots who think they deserve their waifu more than anyone. I might be selfish for doing so but I am not going to let some prick ruining it for me. I don't deserve the love of a princess, but I will always love her, no matter what.
Just because there are some competition in it, doesn't mean you get the right to divorce them because of that. I find that sort of excuse weak, did you ever love your waifu enough regardless of any circumstances? If you have a waifu, you are committed to her, no exceptions. I deal with this kind of situation by trying to improve myself for her so that she is happier more than any other person. Making her smile is far more rewarding than someone who just treats her just like a joke or buying a shit tonne of merchandise of her to prove that their love is better than anyone.
You are just as bad as one of those people who change waifus every single season and no offense, that really angers me. I know you can do whatever the heck you want and love whoever you want, but if you keep this kind of behaviour constantly, I don't think you should really belong here, until you stop ditching 'your favourite character' just because 'someone already loves her' mentality. If you don't really want some competition, then why don't you learn how to draw and make your own character so that nobody would even dare call her their waifu? I have seen someone here mentioning somebody like that and I think that's adorable. I also see some of the people here don't like their waifu being shared, but even if they feel uncomfortable that someone else is loving her, I love the fact that at least they are committed to their love and simply ignore the competition itself. That shows at least they are really serious about their love and not bullshitting with pitiful excuses.
Sorry if I sound like an asshole but I just don't want to see someone here not being faithful to their love after I have seen some other idiot in another place ditching their love for my waifu for another fucking shitty character. It makes me cringe.
Post edited on 22nd Feb 2013, 11:15pm