No. 11481
>Do you have a Ex-Waifu?
I don't have one and I hope I will never have one. I say hope because I'm unfortunately not an omnipotent being with future sight. I am however, confident in that I can control my life and if situations do occur that make me question my relationship, that I am guaranteed to remain together with my waifu.
>Will you breake up with your Waifu when suddenly a huge Error in the Matrix happens and you have a Chance for a 3DPD Waifu ?
I don't want a 3D girl. Is it because I don't have a chance with one? I'm not sure. I can probably ford driver it up any time and live a life I don't want to live. I'm going to be perfectly honest: I thought about it, I thought about it plenty of times. The sexual lust that isn't satisfied because of the inability to cross dimensions drives me towards real girls, that's for sure. This lifestyle has been difficult, I can say with honesty, but I'm also honest when I say that each and every moment where I have to make a choice between my waifu and a real girl has ended up in a complete landslide favoring my waifu, and that these situations strengthen my already invincible bond I share with my waifu. This bond, I feel has become so strong that if, say, some huge error in the Matrix does occur-- I'd be immune to any effects and my relationship with my waifu stays as it is. So, ultimately, no. I would never break up with my waifu for a real girl, nor would I ever betray any of her feelings.
Not VERY related, but just a tidbit:
I'm not very fond of people who DO have a waifu for a substitute and throw them away as soon as an opportunity comes up with a real girl. I mean, I guess if they're happier that way, then so be it-- but I still don't think there's a positive way to look at the situation.