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File 173062126063.jpg - (82.54KB , 700x700 , IMG_1946.jpg )
9 No. 9 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why is it so dead?

File 135176166565.jpg - (161.48KB , 500x799 , c1af8fb9aeb4e6cc08093bab43ded66f.jpg )
1 No. 1 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Best character thread?
>> No. 3 [Edit]
File 135193645532.jpg - (207.50KB , 425x600 , da22dd486012bef9c35eb1d836cd6e147c49854e.jpg )
Sure thing.
>> No. 6 [Edit]
File 139636560651.gif - (468.16KB , 350x200 , 1357337067765.gif )
>> No. 8 [Edit]
File 166612277665.png - (2.21MB , 2076x3000 , 0084.png )
Toki board.

File 135857993529.jpg - (36.04KB , 864x480 , snapshot20090412174605.jpg )
4 No. 4 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
so, does enough of /tc/ actually play mahjong enough to warrant a /tc/ tenhou lobby, or at least visit the 4ch tenhou lobby every now and then?
>> No. 5 [Edit]
I play a lot and I know there are several guys who know how to play on /tc/'s IRC channel.

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