I had the first ep of this sitting on my SSD for the past couple months & just watched it last night. Pretty good so far. Also the Hatsukoi Limited OVAs, if you never caught them, go catch them
I've had Hatsukoi Limited sitting on my drive for ages myself, dunno if I'll ever get around to watching it.
theres some kinds konsuba bonus ep thats fantastic, but i don't feel like slogging though the catalog to find to ova thread
>>26919 Hatuskoi Limited typifies good anime from the golden era of good anime, definitely worth stashing until you get around to watching it.
It was a pretty good show. Reminds me of how some Anon used to occasionally call me out in random threads because I admitted to crying while watching it. It's funny how you can sometimes think of anonymous posters like 7 years later and wonder what they're doing.
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